Actor and mommy-to-be Neha Dhupia turns 41 today. And to celebrate the special day, her husband and actor Angad Bedi made sure there was a cake on the table right at the midnight. While wishes and blessings poured in from friends and family, the highlight of the day (or midnight) definitely was the super gooey and chocolaty cake. The cake was glazed with chocolate ganache and had two adorable white chocolate eggs in a chocolaty nest. The cake looked sinful, and we are sure the mommy-to-be enjoyed it thoroughly. Here's a glimpse of the decadent cake:
(Also read: Neha Dhupia's Mother Pampers The Mommy-To-Be With This Breakfast Smoothie)
Birthdays are a once-in-a-year event and most of us like to celebrate it with fervor. However, this year it might not be the same for Neha Dhupia as she seems to be feeling under the weather. Neha took to Instagram to post stories and pictures of how she is battling the flu on her birthday eve. She posted a picture of what seems like black tea and wrote alongside, 'So sick..'
That's not it, she also shared a story gushing over how she is being pampered by her husband Angad Bedi. In a short video snippet, we could see Angad serving a hot cup of tea to his ailing wife. Angad jokes that he mistakenly gave his tea to Neha and the two have a good laugh about it. Look at the pictures here:
(Also read: Neha Dhupia And Angad Bedi Celebrated Second Anniversary In Quarantine With Two Cakes)
Neha Dhupia, who tied the knot with Angad Bedi in 2018 is expecting her second child with her husband. They have a daughter together - Mehr Dhupia Bedi - who was born in November 2018.