Summer Special: Make Refreshing Low-Calorie Summer Drinks In 5 Mins


Summer means consuming a lot of fluids, liquids, fruits, and vegetables that hydrate our bodies. This season, we have some low calorie drinks for you to try out!

Summer Special: Make Refreshing Low-Calorie Summer Drinks In 5 Mins


  • This summer season refresh your self with these low calorie drinks
  • These recipes are easy to make and delicious
  • Check the full recipes inside

As summer approaches, we must make changes to our diet in order to build immunity and beat the heat! Summer means consuming a lot of fluids, liquids, fruits, and vegetables that hydrate our bodies. The majority of the drinks on the market are high in calories, you must be careful when including them in your diet. So, for you to make a refreshing drink at home, here we have some low-calorie drinks to enjoy this summer! The best part about these recipes are that they can be made in only 5 minutes and only require everyday home ingredients! So, what are you waiting for? Check out these recipes below!

(Also Read: Summer Special: 5 Cucumber Recipes Under 15 minutes To Beat The Heat)

Here Are Low-Calorie Drinks

1. Papaya lemonade

This summer, make this refreshing Papaya Lemonade. This drink is easy to make with just three ingredients: lemon juice, papaya, and water. This drink is refreshing on hot days and makes you feel cool and relaxed. Papaya is low in calories and high in fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer. The natural fibers detoxify and cleanse the body, keeping it healthy and fit. Papayas, which are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, help to keep the heart healthy and fight off heart disease. Furthermore, Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium promote healthy blood flow and keep the arteries healthy.


1/2 cup papaya chunks with seeds removed


1 whole lemon juice

3 cup water


1-2 stems of coriander leaves

Raw honey to taste, it's completely optional


Ice cubes

Method- In a blender, combine all of the ingredients except ice and blend until smooth. Pour the juice into serving glasses with ice cubes. The refreshing papaya lemonade is ready to serve and drink.


2. Masala mint buttermilk

Buttermilk, lassi, or chaas-we call it by different names, but this homemade cooler is a wonder drink that can keep your health woes at bay. It is high in calcium, Vitamin B12, and potassium. It also relieves headaches and nausea. It's fantastic for boosting immunity. It acts as a digestive coolant because the probiotics in buttermilk keep your gut health in check.

Ingredients- 4tbsp plain yogurt as per your choice


5-6 mint leaves

1/2 tsp cumin powder

1/2 tsp black pepper powder

Black salt as per taste

5-6 ice cubes

2-3 cups of water

Method- In a blender, combine the yogurt, water, mint leaves, black pepper, black salt, and cumin powder. Make sure you only churn the ingredients until they're well combined; otherwise, the yogurt will turn into butter. In a glass, put some ice cubes and pour chaas over them. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

(Also Read:Summer Diet: How To Prepare Refreshingly Delicious Pink Lemonade At Home)

3. Cucumber, green grapes, summer smoothie-

Green smoothies are high in nutrients and have a low-calorie count. Vitamins, minerals, healthy carbohydrates, fiber, and low-fat whole foods are all present. Green smoothies, unlike fruit juices, use whole fruits and vegetables to ensure that you get all of the fiber and nutrition. Fiber is necessary for colon health and the proper functioning of your bowels. Green smoothies are not only a great way to trick yourself into eating your vegetables, but they're also a great way to make sure you get enough water.


2-3 cups of water

1/2 cup barley grass juice

2 chopped and peeled cucumber

2-3 small peaches

1/4 cup green grapes

3-4 mint leaves

Ice cubes

Method- In a blender, combine all of the ingredients. Blend everything together until it's completely smooth. Your Summer Green Smoothie is now ready to drink.

4. Roasted gram flour drink with mint leaves

Roasted gram flour aka 'Sattu', is high in calcium, minerals, and vitamins such as iron, all of which aid in blood circulation and can reduce inflammation. It also helps to strengthen the hair and improve the skin's quality. Sattu is a diabetic-friendly drink with a low glycemic index.


4 tbsp roasted gram flour powder

6-7 chopped or crushed mint leaves

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 finely chopped green chili

1/2 tsp black salt, as per your taste

 A pinch of black pepper

4-5 ice cubes

2 cups cold water


In a jug, combine water, sattu flour, black salt, black pepper powder, crushed/chopped mint leaves, and salt. Everything should be well combined. To avoid lumps, mix thoroughly. Pour the liquid into a glass and top with lemon juice and ice cubes. Garnish with mint leaves before serving.

5. Cucumber mint squash

Cucumber is high in fiber, which helps your body function properly. Cucumbers, a combination of fiber and water can help prevent constipation and increase regularity. Cucumber in your daily diet replenishes lost water in your body, keeping you perfectly hydrated.


 1 medium cucumber peeled and chopped

1 tbsp lime juice

 4-5 fresh mint leaves

Pinch of sea salt

Ice cubes

2 cups of cold water

Method- In a blender jug, combine everything. To get things going, pulse a few times, and then blend until smooth. If necessary, add a little more water to loosen it up. Pour into glasses and serve chilled.

Make these delicious drinks this summer season, and let us know which one was your favourite! 

About the Author- Ms. Eshanka Wahi is a Dubai & Delhi-based Wellness Advocate & Nutrition Coach. She strongly believes that eating healthy is the strongest form of self-respect. Eshanka Wahi creates gut-strengthening, nutritious alternatives for all comfort food by eliminating unhealthy ingredients & replacing them with nutrient-dense superfoods. 

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