This Summer, Please Your Sweet Tooth With This Mango Vanilla Cheesecake (Recipe Inside)


This mango cheesecake is full of mango pulp mixed with whipped cream inside and is served with a dollop of vanilla sponge on the top.

This Summer, Please Your Sweet Tooth With This Mango Vanilla Cheesecake (Recipe Inside)
Mango vanilla cheesecake recipe is a must-try.


  • Looking for a special dessert recipe?
  • Make this summer-special mango vanilla cheesecake.
  • Here's an easy recipe to make it at home.

What does everyone look for in almost every summer dessert? It's everyone's favourite - mango. We not just love to nosh on this sweet fruit straight out of its peel, we also love to add it to our sweet treats to make them taste better and sweeter. From mango ice cream and cake to mango kheer, there is so much you can do with this fruit to satiate your sugar cravings. If you love cakes, you must have tried cheesecakes too. And if you love cheesecakes too, there's no way you can not like this mango cheesecake doubled up with creamy vanilla flavour!

Cheesecake has, of late, grabbed the attention of cake lovers with its unique flavour and texture. A cheesecake with multiple layers of delish goodness is something that pleases all kind of palates. The combination of sweet and tarty flavours in one bite brings a pleasant balance of flavours, coupled with the crunch of the crumbly base of the cheesecake. 

This mango cheesecake is full of mango pulp mixed with whipped cream inside and is served with a dollop of vanilla sponge on the top. 

How To Make Mango Vanilla Cheesecake I Mango Vanilla Cheesecake Recipe:

Once you go through the recipe thoroughly and assemble all the ingredients, making this cheesecake is quite easy.

Click here for the detailed recipe of Mango Vanilla Cheesecake.


This cake is also called 'Beyond The Ozone' making it a special dish to be included in party menu to impress your guests. To make this cake, first bake vanilla sponge in an oven. Then make the filling with mango pulp, mascarpone cream cheese, whipped cream and agar agar. Make the cheesecake with cheese cake mix and top it with the prepared layers. Once done, decorate it with yellow chocolate spray and regular chocolate garnish.

Make this summer-special cheesecake with your favourite fruit mango and enjoy!

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