What's Your Pre-Wedding Diet? Tips For Every Bride And Groom


Not only for the brides but for grooms also, these pre-wedding diet tips will help in maintaining the body weight as well as the charm on the face, suggests Dietitian Natasha Mohan.

What's Your Pre-Wedding Diet? Tips For Every Bride And Groom
Diet tips for bride and groom


  • Get fit for your wedding by eating healthy
  • Here are diet tips for the bride and the groom
  • Read on to know more.

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale; and that tale is the route to our wedding day! Yes, what can be the most important day in our life than the wedding day? A journey to begin with thousands of promises and endless love and commitments! This day has to be special, and for that special day, the bride and groom need to shine within. One thing that is the most important to bring that glow and shine on your face, and for that lean body statistics is the pre-wedding diet. Yes! What we eat is what we reflect. So, our diet before wedding functions and the new journey we are embarking on has to be good and nutritious. Fitness is not only lifting weights and running on the trade mill, but it also majorly matters what we eat, and how healthy it is.

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1.Make Your Fundamentals Clear

It is not only about shedding weight and looking thin. It is about feeling healthy and energised. Skipping meals and going on harsh diets will not do any magic than simply stealing the glow from your face. A healthy lifestyle is crucial. So, go for good nutrition and keep nutritious snacks or nuts while shopping rather than binging on burgers or pizzas.

2.A Good Start To The Day

Your day shall start with a scrumptious meal so that you are good to go for your work or wedding preps. So, eat your breakfast like a king and culminate it like a pauper, being on a lighter side by the end of the day. Kick start your day with a fruit and move on to breakfast after some time.


3.Hydrate you're your Body And Skin

The magic water can do to your body and skin, nothing else can. So, having adequate water will solve the dual purpose of balancing your weight by flushing out toxins and cleansing and hydrating your skin as well.


4.Coconut Water

Coconut water is filled with nutrients that again work for the body and skin, and this time hair as well. Daily consumption of coconut water shall surely work wonders.



For your sweet tooth, go for healthy homemade desserts during the day; avoid them during the night. Rather, eat dinner 2 hours early and have a healthy beverage like green tea.


6.Think Healthy, Party Healthy

If you think that health is important, party healthy. Parties are normal, but healthy options are also there to choose from.


So, follow these pre-wedding diet tips and have a blissful life ahead concludes Dietitian Natasha

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