A Daily Glass of Milk Can Save Your Heart

A Daily Glass of Milk Can Save Your Heart
A number of studies have shown that certain foods act as cholesterol busters and help in improving healthy heart functions. Here's more good news for dairy lovers.
A study recently presented at the 12th Euro Fed Lipid Congress in France, states that drinking two glasses of milk can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. In fact, consumption of milk along with other dairy products can protect your heart against heart attacks."The meta-analyses indicate that there is a link between increasing the number of glasses of milk a day and a lower incidence of hyper-tension and subsequently the heart attack risk," explained Dr Sabita S. Soedamah-Muthu from Wageningen University in Netherlands.These findings were based on nine studies involving 57,256 individuals and 15,367 cases of hyper-tension. They revealed that as total dairy, low-fat dairy products and milk (just over two cups a day) consumption increased, the risk for high blood pressure decreased. (More: Eat These to Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease)Experts also examined the effects of dairy products and dairy fat on risk factors such as cholesterol, body fat accumulation and weight gain. "The results lay the groundwork for future investigations into the overall impact dairy may have on public health," researchers noted.
Globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims 17 million lives each year, while complications from high blood pressure take an additional 9.4 million."It appears that dairy's nutrient-rich package may have a positive impact on health, development and performance in more ways than previously expected," Schweitzer concluded. These findings were further supported by a clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which showed that the addition of four servings of non-fat dairy products per day to a routine diet lowered blood pressure in middle-aged and older adults. (More: Heart Friendly Foods and Enemies of the Heart)Supporting the previous claims, another study that appeared in journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism states that consumption of dairy products on a regular basis may also reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes and promote overall metabolic health.
With inputs from IANS
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