Among all the fruits that we regularly consume, bananas hold a special place with their delectable taste, versatility, and natural packaging. However, every banana lover has experienced the heartbreak of discovering a bunch of overripe, mushy bananas. We obviously buy a whole bunch of bananas to last for days, but they seldom do. After three-four days, at least one of them starts turning brown or is already too brown to consume. But you can make the bananas last longer with our top tips. Right from the time you buy the bananas till you consume them, follow these tips to delay the process of browning.
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How Do You Stop Bananas From Going Bad? Here're 6 Tips To Follow
1. Timing is Everything:
You should buy bananas keeping your need in mind. If you're planning to consume them immediately and like your bananas soft and sweet, select bananas with a bright yellow colour and just a hint of green. If you prefer a firmer texture and want to consume it in the coming days, opt for slightly greener bananas that will take a few more days to ripen fully. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between the desired ripeness and the consumption timeline.
2. Store The Right Way:
Bananas are notorious for ripening at a rapid pace when they are in close proximity to other fruits. So, it's best to store bananas away from other foods. Keep them separate, preferably in a well-ventilated fruit bowl, allowing air to circulate around them and slow down the ripening process.
3. Freeze For Freshness:
Sometimes, you may find yourself with an abundance of ripe bananas that you can't consume in time. In that case, freezing them is the apt solution. Peel your bananas and place them in a sealed container or freezer bag. These frozen gems can be used later for smoothies, baking, or as a delightful frozen treat on their own. The freezing process halts their ripening and preserves their sweetness for months to come.
4. Isolate To Protect:
When storing bananas, it's essential to give them a little space to breathe. Separating them from the bunch can slow down the ripening process. If one banana starts to show signs of overripeness, separating it can help extend the lifespan of other bananas.
Also Read: How To Know If Ripe Bananas Are Good To Eat? Tips Inside
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5. Wrap it Right:
An ingenious trick to extend the shelf life of bananas is to wrap the crown-the stem end of the bunch-with plastic wrap or aluminium foil. By doing so, you create a barrier that helps prevent the release of ethylene gas, a natural ripening agent produced by bananas. This method can help maintain their freshness for a few extra days.
6. Refrigerate Right Away:
If you see your bananas turning brown and need to buy some time, then refrigeration can work. While the peel may turn dark in cold temperatures, the fruit inside remains perfectly edible. It's important to note that chilling can alter the texture, making the banana softer. However, refrigerating them can buy you a few additional days before they become too ripe to enjoy.
With these handy tips, you increase the shelf life of your bananas and enjoy them before they turn bad.