5 Best Dates Recipes | Easy Ways To Add Khajur To Your Diet


Dates are an exceptional dry fruit to include in your diet. We've got a list of dates recipes that are sure to keep you hooked to the superfood without compromising on the taste!

5 Best Dates Recipes | Easy Ways To Add Khajur To Your Diet
Dates Recipes:Sweet, sticky and chewy, dates are fruits from the date palm tree.

Dates Recipes: Sweet, sticky and chewy, dates, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera, are fruits from the date palm tree, which is one of the oldest trees cultivated in the desert around the Persian Gulf. It is because of thriving trade world, dates travelled through southwest Asia, northern Africa and Spain to Mexico and California and stands today as one of the most important foods in the Middle Eastern cuisine. Dates popularly fall under three broad types- soft, semi-dry, and dry, and are differentiated according to the glucose, sucrose, and fructose content. Did you know that Iraq has more than 100 kinds of dates available? Interesting, right?

Health Benefits Of Dates (Khajur)

Even though dates are known to produce heat in the body and are consumed popularly during the winters they are packed with umpteen health nutrients that are required by our body. A good source of essential vitamins and minerals, dates are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, fibre and potassium. Since dates are rich in natural sugars, they provide an instantaneous energy boost, which is why they are significant during the fasting period of Ramzan. Dates, or khajoor, are a part of iftar meal due to cultural as well as scientific significance. They are perfect to break the fast as they fuel our body with instant energy and help in digestion of other foods we consume. Besides that, dates are full of carbohydrates and fibre. Fibre gives the body a fuller feeling and prevents us from bingeing on fattening foods; moreover, fibre helps regulate the bowel movements. There are countless other benefits of consuming dates, let's look at what more has it stored for the body:

1. Improves Bone Health: Packed with selenium, copper, manganese and magnesium, dates can do wonders for our bone health. All of these are required by our body to keep the bones healthy and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

2. Rich In Vitamins: Brimming with vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B5, dates keep our energy levels up. Dates also come with natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose.


3. Lowers Cholestrol:  Dates if consumed in a regulated quantity can help keep a check on cholesterol levels and might also help in weight loss.

4. Healthy Skin: Dates also contain vitamin C and D that work for our skin's elasticity and keep it smooth and supple. Dates also have anti-ageing benefits that prevent the accumulation of melanin in our body.


Dates (khajoor) are a perfect combination of health and taste, and if you don't believe us, these 5 delicious dates recipes are surely going to change your mind!

Here Are 5 Best Dates Recipes To Try At Home:


Yes, you read that right! Blue cheese and dates are like match made in heaven since they compliment each other like nothing else! Blue cheese mashed with parsley and chopped walnuts stuffed inside deseeded dates, this easy dates recipe is perfect to serve along with a hot cup of tea.

Easy Dates Recipes: Blue cheese and dates is a match made in heaven.


A sweet and tangy chutney made with the goodness of tamarind, ginger and dates along with a pinch of salt. Dates chutney is an amazing accompaniment to anything from savoury snacks such as samosas and pakodas to delectable spread for sandwiches.

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Indian Dates Recipes: A sweet and sour date chutney that goes brilliantly with pani puri, aloo chaat and all kinds of crispy snacks.


Delicious ladoo recipe made absolutely sugar free and packed with the goodness of dry fruits. This Indian dates recipe is made with just a few ingredients and will not take more than twenty minutes to prepare. A healthy mix of dry roasted nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios and peanuts along with dates and coconut blended well and made into ladoo like small balls. It is a healthy sweet to serve on special occasions and festivities at home.

Indian Dates Recipes: Healthy, sugarless and nutritionally rich, this ladoo recipe is the perfect snack to binge during festivities.


A healthy, scrumptious, easy and eggless cake recipe that will leave you asking for more! Here is a dates cake recipe made with the goodness of almonds, milk and, of course, dates that are baked to perfection. It is just the right dates recipe to prepare at home that will not only please your taste buds will also add nutrition to your diet.

Dates Cake Recipes: A scrumptious eggless cake with the goodness of dates and almonds.


Looking for a healthy snack options? Here is a healthy bacon wrapped stuffed dates recipe that you can prepare at home. With a delightful cream cheese and chives stuffing, dates are wrapped with bacon and oven-cooked to crisp and served hot. A perfect way to load up on the goodness of dates and bacon!

Easy Dates Recipes: Popularly known as 'devils on horseback', these are traditional snacks prepared during the Christmas feast.

With such impressive homemade dates recipes, we are sure you won't be able to resist the wonder fruit anymore. Try these dates recipes at home and let us know your favourite one in the comments section below.

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