David Warner Cooks Seafood On Dinner Date With Wife: 5 Seafood Recipes To Try


Australian Cricketer David Warner made some grilled herbed lobsters and roasted strawberry and vanilla ice cream for his wife.

David Warner Cooks Seafood On Dinner Date With Wife: 5 Seafood Recipes To Try
David Warner made a lavish feast for his wife.


  • Australian cricketer David Warner cooked up a yummy meal
  • It was his date night with wife Candice Warner
  • From seafood to dessert, here's what all he cooked

Date nights are a dreamy time for romance, smiles and, of course, good food. Any date night without good food is incomplete. Australian cricketer David Warner knows it well. So when it was time for him to spend a good dinner date with his wife Candice Warner, he not only got her a delectable table spread but he also cooked it all by himself. David Warner's Instagram Stories are beaming with delicious recipes in the making. He has put a huge lobster to roast on the barbecue grill and we can see he is cooking it with a herb sauce on it. He wrote "Master chef" with some laughing emojis on the image. Take a look:

A later photo shows plates of cooked oysters and steaks alongside two wine glasses. David Warner did not miss the dessert. He showed us a glimpse of his roasted strawberry and vanilla ice cream. David Warner's wife Candice also posted a photo of the dinner spread and wrote, "When the hubby cooks for our date night in." Take a look:

The seafood platter by David Warner can send us drooling, no doubt. Here are some ways you can also rustle up a seafood dinner at home. 

Here Are 5 Yummy Seafood Recipes You Can Try:

1. Grilled Lobster With White Wine

The mustard and lemon juice marination adds zing to the lobster as it gets grilled. To make the sauce, add white wine to egg yolks, onion, garlic and lemon rind. Pour it over the lobster when serving.

2. Blush Curry Mussels

This mussels recipe has an Indian twist of vegetables and spices. Throw in beetroot, carrots, cherry tomatoes with fresh thyme, basil and coriander. It's a spicy treat you can't forget.


3. Chatpata Prawn

This hot and spicy recipe is a good snack and starter. Throw the prawns into a pan of sauteed curry leaves and onions. Add spices and lemon juice and serve.

(Also Read: )


These chatpata prawns are simply irresistible.

4. Seared Salmon in Tabasco Butter

Salmon can be cooked into a creamy delight with freshly made tabasco butter and mashed potatoes. Add chives and cook in olive oil for flavour.


5. Seafood Broth

Seafood broth is a quick and healthy way to satiate seafood cravings. Add prawns, squids, vegetables and fresh basil for this delicious bowl.

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