'The White Tiger' - an adaptation of Aravind Adiga's novel of the same name, produced by Priyanka Chopra - has been making noise ever since its announcement. After earning much praise across the country and abroad, the movie that made its way to the audience on an OTT platform, has now bagged two BAFTA nominations. The final nominations were announced on Tuesday and the lead actor of the film, Adarsh Gourav, earned a nomination in 'Best Actor' category for his performance in the Ramin Bahrani's directorial. Congratulations were, of course, in order for the actor who could not believe as he wrote "Holy shit, it's really happening!" on Instagram. See post:
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But amid all the cheering and best wishes, popular brand Amul - known for their quirky ads on all that is happening around the world - joined the bandwagon and celebrated the actor's achievement in their latest cartoon! Take a look:
The dairy brand featured Priyanka Chopra, co-star and producer, standing besides Gourav who is sitting on a chair, wearing his signature blue attire from his character in the film. He can be seen dreaming about the prestigious BAFTA award while relishing abutter toast as PC cheers him on. “Gourav For Adarsh”, Amul wrote in an interesting wordplay and added “Amul White Tiger, Yellow Try Kar!” Interesting, isn't it?
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