Natasa Stankovic has been making quite a buzz on social media, for a while now. She enjoys 3 million followers on the photo-sharing app, whom she keeps updated with the daily happenings in her life. If you scroll through her Instagram handle, you will find the diva sharing glimpses of her partner and Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya, son Agasthya and other members of the family. We also get to see her sharing a good camaraderie with sister in-law and wife of cricketer Krunal Pandya - Pankhuri Sharma. Both of them often share stories and posts featuring their dance 'jugalbandi', their 'fam-jam' and more. And seeing these, we can surely say the bond in the 'Pandya' family goes really strong!
On Wednesday, we saw another instance of the friendship between Natasa and Pankhuri. The former shared an Instagram story thanking Pankhuri for treating her with her 'favourite' food - bread with Nutella and cheese on it. Sounds yummy, right? Take a look at the story:
Also Read: Cricketer Hardik Pandya Wins Internet With His 'Chef Duties', Can You Guess What He Cooked
We don't know about you, but this delicious Nutella cheese toast has left us slurping. Hence, we bring a super easy recipe of how to make the sinful Nutella cheese toast. Check it out:
Step 1. Toast a bread slice.
Step 2. Spread a spoonful of Nutella on it. Trust us, the more the yummier.
Step 3. Grate some cheese on it and voila!
You have delicious toast ready in just 5-minutes to satiate all your sweet cravings!
For more such bread toast recipes, click here.