Viral Reddit Post About Cooking Fail Will Leave You In Splits


Viral Reddit Post: An image circulating on social media shows a glass lid lying shattered in a chicken dish, and Reddit users could seriously relate.

Viral Reddit Post About Cooking Fail Will Leave You In Splits
This Reddit post has gone viral within hours of it being posted.


  • Cooking fails are quite common, especially for beginner cooks
  • This was the subject of a recent Reddit post
  • The hilarious photo has gone viral within a few hours

Cooking is therapeutic for most of us. That, however, does not mean that we get it right all the time. Our cooking goof-ups can range from an extra smattering of salt to burning a vessel or two. A social media user was in such a spot recently. Sharing a photo of the cooking disaster, the user who goes by the name 'Panicatdiscos' wrote, "Guess I'll order out tonight." The photo showed that the glass lid of a pan had shattered and fallen into the dish of chicken cacciatore, along with the knob. The post on Reddit saw a 95 per cent upvote and nearly 600 comments within a few hours of being uploaded. Take a look at the viral Reddit post:

Guess I'll order out tonight from r/Wellthatsucks

If you're wondering how the mishap occurred, the user explained in the comments section. "I think that when I put the lid down to stir for a minute the edge of it got hot from being too close to another burner that I had on. I didn't really pay attention to that because I didn't realize this could happen lol," the user wrote. 

The viral post had Reddit users bringing their humorous best to the comments section. Comparing the glassware to a crystal ball, one user wrote, "Let me look into my broken crystal lid: I see fried rice and sesame chicken in your future." Adding to the fun, another user said, "Mmm, crunchy."

Some Redditors who didn't seem to be big fans of cooking were worried about having to cook a fresh dish from scratch. One user said, "It's fine. Just eat around the glass." That is strictly not recommended, might we add. "I would cry," a user by the handle 'Nomandate' said, adding, "I'm already running on fumes by the time I muster the willpower to cook for the family."

Many users were also seen sympathising with the victim of the kitchen accident. "Haha just did this the other week," one user said. Jokes aside, those in the comments section were seen giving each other tips to avoid such hassles. "Glass can explode when it gets really super hot and touches a cold surface," a user explained. Adding to this, one 'Computermaster' said, "Tempered glass can spontaneously shatter like this. I had one lid shatter just sitting in the cabinet."


Explaining further, one Redditor explained, "I know glass can shatter because it doesn't deal with fast temperature changes too well."

Take a look at some of the best reactions:



Several Redditors also felt a sense of deja vu, as this particular type of mishap is quite common. Well, tell us what you think about this cooking disaster in the comments below! 

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