Watch: Virat Kohli's Lookalike Causes Stir At His Own Restaurant, Leaves Fans Baffled


Fans and staff at One8 Commune mistake a lookalike for Virat Kohli - watch the viral video of the hilarious incident.

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Watch: Virat Kohli's Lookalike Causes Stir At His Own Restaurant, Leaves Fans Baffled
Viral video shows patrons mistaking lookalike Kartik Sharma for Virat Kohli.


  • Virat Kohli lookalike causes confusion at his own restaurant.
  • He receives menu of Virat Kohli's favourites at One8 Commune.
  • Fans question the authenticity of the video featuring Kohli's lookalike.

It's not unusual for fans to be thrown off by celebrity lookalikes. This time, Virat Kohli's supporters found themselves doing a double take after spotting Kartik Sharma, a dead ringer for the Indian cricketer. The confusion unfolded at One8 Commune, a Kohli-owned restaurant when patrons and staff mistook Sharma for the cricket star. The incident was caught on camera by content creator Sarthak Sachdeva, who was dining at the restaurant with Sharma. In the clip, the two can be seen entering One8 Commune with a group, prompting immediate reactions from the staff. Without a reservation, Sharma was seated and even handed a menu featuring some of Kohli's favourite dishes. Several customers were also confused, thinking they were dining alongside the real Virat Kohli. The viral post was humorously captioned, "Viraj Tohli."

Take a look at the video here:

The video, unsurprisingly, racked up likes and views as fans shared their reactions. One user quipped, "How to get banned from a restaurant 101," while another joked, "Virat Kohli from Meesho."
Some reactions were more sceptical. One comment read, "How could no one notice the obvious 'tattoo'? Is this spontaneous or scripted?" Others simply found the prank hilarious, with one user asking, "Virat Kohli Swift se aaya hai?" (Did Virat Kohli come in a Swift?)
Kartik Sharma, a software developer, has gained a considerable following on Instagram due to his uncanny resemblance to Kohli, boasting over seven lakh followers. He regularly shares content that highlights the likeness, even posing in a blue jersey and flaunting a tattoo similar to the cricketer's. Sharma also runs a YouTube channel.

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