Paan Gulkand Modak: A Unique Delight For Ganesh Chaturthi That Will Surprise Your Loved Ones


Ganesh Chaturthi 2023 will see many modak varieties doing the rounds, But this paan gulkand modak will steal the show,

Paan Gulkand Modak: A Unique Delight For Ganesh Chaturthi That Will Surprise Your Loved Ones
Paan Gulkand modak will liven up your Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations.


  • Are you already waiting to gorge on modaks?
  • Ganesh Chaturthi festivities are incomplete without it.
  • This paan gulkand modak will be the star of the feast.

As Ganesh Chaturthi approaches, it's time to celebrate the festival with modaks. The soft creamy sweet dumpling always calls us with its mouthwatering flavours. This festival gets more special with modaks being served almost everywhere, even at our homes. But this time, we are thinking out of the box and craving for unusual flavours to make this time more interesting. Enter - paan guland modak - a unique and delicious treat that is not just a feast for the senses but also a heartfelt offering for our beloved Ganesha.
Also Read: Ganesh Chaturthi Special: Delicious Maharashtrian Breakfast Dish Ghavan Recipe

Modak - A Sweet Tradition 

Ganesh Chaturthi is a joyous festival celebrated across India, especially in Maharashtra, with great fervour and enthusiasm. It marks the birth of Lord Ganesha. People come together to pray, sing, dance, and offer a variety of sweets as a gesture of devotion and gratitude. One of the most iconic sweets associated with this festival is the Modak, a steamed or fried dumpling filled with a sweet mixture. It's said to be Lord Ganesha's favourite treat, making it an essential part of the celebrations. 

The Paan Twist 

Now, let's talk about the star of the show: Paan Gulkand Modak. This unique modak variation takes the traditional Modak to a whole new level by infusing it with the flavours of paan and gulkand. 

The Magic of Paan Gulkand Modak 

The chef-special recipe of Paan Gulkand Modak brings these two distinct flavours together in perfect harmony. The earthy and slightly bitter notes of the betel leaves blend with the sweet and aromatic essence of gulkand, creating a burst of flavours that dance on your taste buds.
Also ReadGanesh Chaturthi 2022: Make This Delectable Kaju Gulkand Modak To Celebrate The Festival

Modak is widely consumed during Ganesh Chaturthi. 
Photo Credit: iStock


Ganesh Chaturthi: How To Make Paan Gulkand Modak I Paan Gulkand Modak Recipe 

Blend paan leaves and milk together and keep aside. Then saute desiccated coconut with paan mixture in some ghee. You can also add some green food colour. Let it cool down.  

Next prepare the stuffing for the modak by mixing gulkand, dry fruits powder, fennel seeds powder and tutti frutti. With greased hands, take small portions of the paan mixture and place them in modak mold. Fill gulkand mixture in the centre and press the mould. Open the mould and transfer the prepared modak to a serving plate, ready to be relished. 


Click here for the complete recipe for paan gulkand modak

Share this delectable treat with family and friends to spread the joy of the festival. 


Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 2023! 

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