4 Reasons Why You Should Include Oats in Your Diet for Beautiful Skin


Oats and oatmeal come with a host of benefits. Apart from being a nutritious breakfast option, they also prove to be a great ingredient for flawless skin.

4 Reasons Why You Should Include Oats in Your Diet for Beautiful Skin
Strengthening our immune system, preventing constipation, reducing susceptibility to diseases like cancer and so on, oats form the most widely consumed breakfast alternative. While, oat and oatmeal is often presumed to be the same thing, it is essential to note the difference between the two. Oats are unprocessed while oatmeal is the processed oats used in a cereal or porridge.Oats come with a host of benefits like regulating blood sugar level, reducing the risk of heart diseases among other things. However, the benefits that oatmeal has especially for our skin, is not given due consideration. A breakfast of oatmeal can be called a breakfast with benefits. Being particularly low in calories, consuming oatmeal as part of the most important meal of the day, that is breakfast, subsides one's craving for a number of unhealthy snacks that we often munch on every two to three hours.
While some of us may be born with naturally beautiful skin, the rest of us may not be as lucky. However, this does not put us at a disadvantage as there are numerous effortless measures to get the skin we dream of. Our diet forms the most important aspect for healthy skin. What we eat, reflects outwardly on our skin and most often than not, on our face. Oatmeal is the secret to flawless skin. Apart from eating oatmeal for breakfast, it can also be used in the form of numerous face packs.

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Benefits of Oatmeal for SkinHere's a list of the benefits of oatmeal for skin as recommended by Dr. Deepali Bharadwaj, a renowned Delhi-based dermatologist.
1. Cleanses the Skin: Saponins present in oatmeal act as a cleansing agent and thus help keep the skin dirt free and clean.2. Removes Dry Skin- To 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder, add egg, honey and lemon and use as a face pack. This is especially for the monsoon season where dry skin is a common feature. For excessive dry skin, curd could be added to the mixture.

Oatmeal is a great ingredient for treating dry skin

3. Reduces Oily Skin: Oatmeal along with multani mitti used as a face pack counters the production of excess oils, that the body naturally produces.
4. Reduces Water Retention: Consuming oatmeal especially in the morning helps reduce water retention in the body and thus prevents any swelling on the face, under eyes and so on.

Image credit: Istock

So next time you are looking for a breakfast option with a host of health benefits, look no further than a bowl of oats that has a positive impact, both on our health and skin.Disclaimer:
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