5 Hydrating Foods To Get Rid Of Dehydration

5 Hydrating Foods To Get Rid Of Dehydration


  • Scorching heat and dry heat waves are quite capable of dehydrating us
  • Chronic dehydration could turn out to be fatal as well
  • Be it kids or adults, almost everyone can fall prey to dehydration
Summers are getting intense day-by-day. There is absolutely no denying the fact that our body needs to be taken care of more than ever, especially during summer time. While the scorching heat and dry heat waves are quite capable of dehydrating you, therefore, it is of the utmost importance to increase your fluid intake. Be it kids or adults, almost everyone can fall prey to dehydration, where our body tends to lose water and mineral salts at a fast pace. In some cases, chronic dehydration could turn out to be fatal as well. In order to safeguard yourself from the impact of dehydration, here is a list of 5 foods that may help. Read on to know more about them.
BananasWith dehydration, comes the loss of potassium in the body. In order to replenish the lost potassium count in the body, it is important to load up on bananas as they are an excellent source of potassium. You can have a banana as a pre-workout snack as it may keep dehydration at bay.
Bananas are an excellent source of potassium

Coconut WaterWhen our body gets dehydrated, the levels of sodium and potassium in our body get depleted to a great extent. A glass of young coconut water is abundantly rich in sodium and potassium, which can bring back the lost nutrients considerably. Consuming it throughout the day could prove to be quite beneficial.(Also Read: 5 Effective Herbal Remedies for Dehydration)
Coconut water is abundantly rich in sodium and potassium
CucumberWith 95 percent of water content, cucumber is one of the best hydrating foods. Not only is it a good source of fibre, but also quite rich in vitamin C, which is required by the body for proper functioning. According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing, cucumber's ability to balance water in the body makes it important for heart and kidney problems.
Cucumber is one of the best hydrating foods


Watermelon is a wonder fruit that contains 95 percent of water. Being rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, watermelon is essential for regulating water balance in the body. Gorging on watermelon on a hot and sultry summer day is a tasty way to stay hydrated.
Watermelon is essential for regulating water balance in the body

CeleryRich in iron, sodium, potassium and zinc, celery contains the highest level of water content compared to other vegetables. It is also a good source of folate and B-vitamins and including it in daily diet can be quite beneficial.
Celery contains the highest level of water content compared to other vegetables
So, with these foods in hand, you can easily save yourself from dehydration. Add them to your daily diet and get going.
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