Easy Breakfast Recipe: How To Make A 3-Ingredient Energy Boosting Smoothie


Smoothie is a rich yogurt or milk-based preparation, blended with fruits, veggies, dry fruits or seeds of your choice. Here's how you can make an energy-boosting smoothie for breakfast at home.

Easy Breakfast Recipe: How To Make A 3-Ingredient Energy Boosting Smoothie
Come summers and shakes, smoothies or juices become a part of our daily diet.


  • Smoothies are an excellent way to load up on essential nutrients
  • They are also a quick, easy and wholesome breakfast option in summers
  • Here is a nutritious smoothie recipe that you can try at home

It's amazing to see how our food choices change with changing season. Come summers and all we can think of are chilled beverages such as juices, shakes and smoothies, in contrast to piping hot tea and soups in the winter chill. We are right at the peak of summer season and it's that time of the year when all we want is to sit in an air-conditioned room with a chilled beverage. We often skip heavy meals as they might produce heat in the body. But we are up for anything chilled to drink!

Aam panna, watermelon juice, mango shakes and smoothie, you name it and we simply can't say no. Smoothies are one of the most popular beverages these days. They are healthy, wholesome, quick, easy and irresistibly delicious. No wonder they aren't just popular amongst fitness enthusiasts. In fact, it is quite a hit among kids too. A nutrient-rich, wholesome smoothie can be a great mid-day energy booster and may even work well as a quick, easy breakfast. And what's more interesting is that one can make a glass full of smoothie with just about anything. From citrusy fruits to nutrient-rich vegetables, crunchy seeds and even nuts and dry fruits, simply toss it in a blender, add whatever you like and you are good to go!

(Also Read: 5 Summer Smoothies That Will Leave You Drooling)

Dates (or Khajur) is one dry fruit that is versatile, healthy and wholesome, and lends a distinct flavour to anything it is added to. Since a smoothie in breakfast is a great option because it is wholesome, easy and super quick - what better than a dates-banana smoothie to keep us satiated for long?

Here is a 3-ingredient smoothie brimming with the goodness of dates along with fibre-rich banana, blended into a smoothie with chilled almond milk. You don't need to add extra sugar, since dates are naturally sweet. You may add ice cubes if you want. Quick, easy, fuss-free, rich and absolutely delicious, this nutritious smoothie is all you need for a morning boost.

Sticky, chewy and sweet, dates are even considered as superfoods because they are power-packed with nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and fibre. Since dates are also rich in natural sugars, they provide an instant energy boost which ultimately makes them perfect to include in your breakfast. When combined with bananas, rich in fibre, it will keep you satiated for a long time.


Find the full recipe of Dates and Banana Smoothie here.

Try it at home and let us know your experience in the comments section below.

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