Fruits for Anaemia: Load Up on these 6 Fruits to Boost Your Haemoglobin


Lesser amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin or iron means that your body is not getting enough oxygen, resulting in dysfunction of various organs. There can be various causes of anaemia, which may include iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, extreme loss of blood, etc.

Fruits for Anaemia: Load Up on these 6 Fruits to Boost Your Haemoglobin


  • Anaemia can be treated through dietary changes
  • It is imperative to add fruits in your daily diet to increase RBCs
  • Pomegranate makes for one of the best fruits for boosting blood count
If you have been quite pale and lost the 'glow' on you face, there is chance you are suffering from a common blood disorder known as Anaemia. This is a condition where your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin. Lesser amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin or iron means that your body is not getting enough oxygen, impacting your overall health. There can be various causes of anaemia, which may include iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency, extreme loss of blood, etc.In some case, Anaemia can be treated through dietary changes, only if it is diagnosed early. According to expert nutritionist from Bangalore, Dr. Anju Sood, "anaemia is caused by iron deficiency. To fuel the iron in the body, ascorbic acid acts as a carrier. Adding ascorbic acid or vitamin C rich fruits can help in regulating iron intake and eventually increasing the haemoglobin."
Apart from the normal foods, it is imperative to add fruits in your daily diet to increase the red blood cell count. Here are some fruits suggested by Dr. Sood that you should eat regularly-1. PomegranatePomegranate makes for one of the best fruits for boosting your blood count. It is a rich source of iron, vitamins A, C and E. The ascorbic acid present in this fruit boosts the iron content in the body regulating the blood count. See your haemoglobin rise up as you add pomegranates in your daily diet. One glass of homemade pomegranate juice is any day better than processed juices.
Pomegranate makes for one of the best fruits for boosting your blood count
2. BananaBanana is a surprisingly good choice to include in iron rich fruits. It stimulates the production of haemoglobin in the blood. Along with iron, it also makes for a good source of folic acid which is a B-complex vitamin that is required to make red blood cells.
Banana is a surprisingly good choice to include in iron rich fruits​
3. AppleNo wonder they say, 'an apple a day, keeps the doctor away'; it has so many health promoting properties. Apples are a rich source of iron with various other health-friendly components that are required for stimulating haemoglobin count. Eat at least one apple along with its skin daily.
Apples are a rich source of iron with various other health-friendly components​
4. PrunesPrunes are simply dried plums that need your attention. These humble fruits are considered to be a small package with great value. Prunes come packed with vitamin C and iron which is the key to boosting haemoglobin. Other than that, prunes are a rich source of magnesium, which leads to significant increase in the stimulation of RBCs. Magnesium also help manage oxygen transportation in the body.
Prunes are simply dried plums that need your attention​
5. OrangeIron cannot be fully absorbed by the body without the help of vitamin C and oranges are power packed with this vitamin. So load up on at least one orange every day in order to get the desired results.
Iron cannot be fully absorbed by the body without the help of vitamin C​
6. PeachPeaches too are rich sources of vitamin C and iron, where in vitamin C helps in absorbing iron and further prevent the duplication of faulty red blood cells. Peaches have been credited with inducing weight loss, improving the skin and boosting eye health too.
Peaches have been credited with inducing weight loss, improving the skin and boosting eye health too
So, load up on these fruits and add them creatively in your diet to reap the many benefits they offer. Stay healthy!
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