What do you think when you think of honey? Sweet. Syrupy. Desserts. Drinks. Maybe skincare too. But what if we told you that we have “savoury” on our minds? Honey is a powerhouse of antioxidants and phytonutrients along with having antibacterial and antifungal properties. While we love a dash of honey in our green tea, why not try adding it to savoury dishes too? Apart from lending your dishes a unique taste, honey will elevate the health factor of the platter in one go. Here are seven savoury recipes where you can include honey. Trust us, you won't complain about the taste at all.
Let's start it real easy! Douse potato wedges in cornflour, salt and chilli powder. Fry them. Saute spring onions, ginger, garlic, sesame seeds in tomato sauce, vinegar and honey. Mix the wedges with it. Serve it hot and crunchy.
Douse potato wedges in cornflour, salt and chilli powder.
Here's a sweet-savoury wrap. All you need is wheat flour, semolina, curd, cream, veggies, potatoes, spices and, of course, a splash of honey. Perfect for snacking!
Here's a sweet-savoury wrap
Here's a twist to the classic crispy chicken wings, and we are not keeping it a secret. Glaze the cooked wings with honey, and you have a perfect starter on the table for your family dinner.
Here's a twist to the classic crispy chicken wings
4) Grilled Herb Chicken Breast With Honey And Asparagus
Chicken can be cooked in so many ways. Here, we are cooking chicken breast with a blend of flavours from honey, thyme, rosemary, lemon juice, asparagus and black pepper. Impress your guests with this dish.
5. Wok Tossed Veggies In Honey And Black Bean Glaze
Wok sweet gourd, Chinese cabbage, bok choy and broccoli florets. Add water chestnuts and shitake mushrooms. With soy sauce, black bean paste, honey and lime juice, this dish is a riot of flavours in your mouth.
6) Plank Grilled Bourbon And Honey Salmon
Honey can add richness to salmon too. Marinate the fish with honey, salt and pepper. Grill it. You can use bourbon whiskey for the flambe. Serve it with sauteed veggies and buttermilk fluid.
Fatty fishes are loaded with healthy fats beneficial for your heart health
We are not leaving out prawns from this list. Here, we make a sauce with cornflour, soya sauce and honey. Pour it over stir-fried prawns. The dish will have an irresistible glossy look.
Tell us which of these dishes you would like to make in your kitchen.