Here’s Why You Should Not Drink Water After Having Cucumber ?


According to a common belief, one is not advised to drink water too close to eating cucumbers. So is there any truth to the common belief, or is it just one of the myths. Let's find out.

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Here’s Why You Should Not Drink Water After Having Cucumber ?
Cucumber is a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and electrolytes and is best consumed raw.


  • Cucumbers and summers go hand in hand
  • Cooling and crunchy cucumbers are replete with nutrients
  • In summers, it is very important to eat light and clean
Cucumbers and summers go hand in hand. Cooling and crunchy cucumbers are replete with nutrients that make it one of the healthiest additions to your diet. Cucumber is a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and electrolytes and is best consumed raw. From sandwiches, salads, smoothies to raita, cucumbers are an indispensable part of innumerable summer preparations. In summers, it is very important to eat light and clean. Instances of food poisoning and diarrhoea are more likely to occur in summer as compared to winters; which is why nutritionists often recommend including whole lot of cooling cucumbers in your diet. Drinking a lot of water is also something that you must ensure in this scorching heat, suggest studies. Yet, when it comes to clubbing the two (cucumber + water), experts seem to share differing views. According to a common belief, one is not advised to drink water too close to eating cucumbers. So is there any truth to the common belief, or is it just one of the myths. Let's find out. 
(Also Read: Cucumber Slices for the Eyes: 5 Ways it Can Help You)
Cooling and crunchy cucumbers are replete with nutrients.
95 percent of cucumber's weight is just water. Not just cucumber, experts warn against drinking water after consumption of any water-rich fruit and vegetables like melons, pineapple and strawberry. This could reverse most of the benefits of consuming these water-rich fruits and vegetables. According to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND, "Cucumber is loaded with essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, magnesium, potassium, manganese and most importantly silica, which is great for skin and hair health. Cucumber is 95% water, it does not make sense having water and diluting these essential nutrients. It is always advisable to avoid drinking water close to eating raw veggies and fruits for better absorption of nutrients." Ms. Priya Palan Consulting Dietician, Zen Hospital, Chembur, tells us "Consumption of water immediately after having cucumber could increase GI motility and disturb the natural process of digestion and absorption. Due to interaction between the fibre and water, the body retains excess water in the intestine which may disturb the natural process." (Also Read: Cucumber Nutrition: Amazing Cucumber Nutritional Facts And Health Benefits)
Consumption of water immediately after having cucumber could increase GI motility.
It is also widely believed that drinking water with or after cucumber could disturb the optimum pH level that the body requires to digest the food. Too much of water could dilute the pH levels, and the acids required to digest foods may not operate effectively, which would eventually lead to poor digestion. 
Cucumber with its high quantum of water makes for an ideal vegetable to load up on, if you are struggling with digestive woes and problems like constipation. It softens the stool and facilitates its passage through the intestinal walls. But if you consume more water on top of cucumber, there is an increased risk of loose motions and diarrhoea due to very smooth bowel movement. So go ahead, load up on the nutrient-dense veggie; just make sure you try to keep a window of 20 minutes in between eating cucumbers and chugging a glass of water. 
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