Lockdown Baking: No Eggs At Home? Use These Alternatives To Bake Your Cake 


Please don't rush out and run to the grocery store just to get eggs for baking. Find some ingredients in your kitchen, which may do the work of eggs and nobody in the family will even come to know.

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Lockdown Baking: No Eggs At Home? Use These Alternatives To Bake Your Cake 
Eggs are important but not necessary for baking.


  • Eggs are a small but significant part of baking process.
  • If you are left with no eggs, use these substitutes.
  • These foods can do the work of eggs in your bakes.

Although, groceries are available everywhere in the country even during the lockdown due to Coronavirus scare, you may not always have what you need for cooking. Imagine, you feel a sudden urge to bake a cake, and while you collect your ingredients, you find everything - from baking powder to cocoa powder - but bam!; you are left with no eggs. Eggs are a small but significant part of the baking process. Please don't rush out and run to the grocery store just to get eggs. Find some ingredients in your kitchen, which may do the work of eggs and nobody in the family will even come to know. 

7 Best Egg Alternatives For Baking

1. Banana

Mashed bananas can easily replace eggs, except you'll get the flavour of bananas in your dessert in place of cakes, which will be even better if you are making pancakes or fruit cake.

(Also Read: Baking Tips - 6 Genius Hacks To Make Perfect Cakes)

Mashed banana can be easily used for baking. 

2. Nut Butter

Use peanut butter or almond butter or any other nut butter to add the same creaminess and nutty flavour that eggs add in your bakes.


3. Condensed Milk

Coming from the same dairy territory, milk in its condensed form can be added in a large quantity if you can't find eggs at home. You can't make eggs yourself, but you can easily make condensed milk at home. Click here for condensed milk recipe.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is another dairy product that can take place of eggs in your baked dessert. Just used it sparingly, you don't want too much sourness in your sweet treat.


5. Avocado

Avocado is loved for its creamy texture, and that will work well in your bakery treats. Mash avocado pulp well before adding it to the rest of the baking ingredients

(Also Read: 11 Easy Baking Recipes You Must Try At Home)


Avocados are creamy in texture, make them ideal for baking. 

6. Oil

Egg white looks like oil only, right? And, egg can be safely replaced by your regular vegetable or olive oil in your baking recipe. 


7. Butter

If there's oil for egg white, there's butter for egg yolk. Yes, add more butter to your baking recipe to fill the shoes of eggs. Your cake or cookies will turn out to be more buttery in taste and you wouldn't really mind it Would you?

These foods can be used in place of eggs to make anything; from cakes and cookies to breads and pancakes. So, continue trying your baking skills in kitchen in spite of the lockdown. 

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