Moringa Soup: A Delightful Change From Your Ordinary Soups You Need To Try Today


Moringa Soup Recipe: This soup offers a savoury flavour with a slight hint of tanginess. It is ready in minutes and is quite hearty and wholesome.

Moringa Soup: A Delightful Change From Your Ordinary Soups You Need To Try Today
Moringa soup is an easy-to-make recipe at home.


  • Soup provides an ideal balance of health and taste.
  • Take a break from the ordinary and savour this distinctive moringa soup.
  • It is brimming with essential nutrients and incredibly wholesome.

There's nothing quite as comforting as sipping on a piping-hot bowl of soup. Ready in minutes, it comes to our rescue whenever we crave something healthy yet delicious. The fact that you can experiment with soup in a myriad of ways is what makes it even more loved. Be it a bowl of clear chicken soup, tomato soup, or sweet corn soup, they all taste equally divine, and we simply cannot get enough of them. However, there are times when our taste buds crave something exciting and out of the box. If you're in a similar mood, you've come to the right place. Here we present to you a unique soup that will surely take you by surprise: moringa soup. This refreshing soup will make for a pleasant change from your ordinary soups and is a must-try.
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What Is Moringa Soup?

Moringa (drumsticks) soup is one of the healthiest soups out there. It consists of drumsticks that are pressure-cooked with tomato, haldi, ginger, and water. You can expect a savoury and slightly tangy flavour due to the use of tomatoes. The crackling ghee and jeera tadka on top further help add richness and enhance its flavour. Moringa soup is a hearty and wholesome soup that you can enjoy for your lunch and dinner meals. It's also great for serving your guests when they come over to your house.

Is Moringa Soup Healthy?

Absolutely! The key ingredient in this soup, which is moringa, is touted to have several health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to your diet. The Healthline explains that including moringa in your diet can also help lower blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and inflammation in the body.

How To Make Moringa Soup | Moringa Soup Recipe

Moringa soup is an easy-to-make recipe at home. This recipe was shared by chef Aruna Vijay on her official Instagram page. To make moringa soup, start by pressure cooking the drumsticks with ginger, tomato, turmeric, and salt with two cups of water for four whistles. Once the pressure has settled, mash it well and strain it. The chef shares that it can be challenging to strain it, so you can use your hands for mashing it as well. Additionally, you can even churn it in a mixer. Add more water at this stage if required. Finally, top it with ghee and jeera tadka, bring it to a boil, and serve hot! Your moringa soup is ready to be savoured.
Also Read: Tired Of Holiday Weight? This Weight Loss Masoor Dal Soup Is What You Need

Watch the detailed recipe video below: 

Try making this delicious soup at home and let us know how you liked its taste. If you're interested in exploring more such soup recipes, click here to explore our impressive collection.

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