Nutritionist Simrun Chopra On Health And Diet: 'No Such Thing As Good Or Bad Food' - NDTV Exclusive


Nutritionist Simrun Chopra shares her thoughts on health, diet, indulgence, and more in an exclusive interview with NDTV Food. Read on.

Nutritionist Simrun Chopra On Health And Diet: 'No Such Thing As Good Or Bad Food' - NDTV Exclusive
NDTV Food Exclusie

Are you confused about which diet regime to follow? Have you been eliminating all indulgent items from your meals? Is your diet not showing any positive results on your health? If you answered yes, then this article is just for you. We recently sat down with nutritionist Simrun Chopra to understand all about healthy living, healthy eating, and, most importantly, mindful snacking. So, stay back and go through the article for the answers to all your health-related queries. Read on.

What Is Your Idea Of Healthy Living?

Health goes beyond the food we eat. It is not only about controlling your meals. You can eat healthily and still be weak, depressed, and unhealthy. To me, being healthy is a compilation of biological well-being, psychological well-being, and social well-being. So, the diet in this case doesn't follow a one-size-fits-all theory. It differs from person to person, as per their needs.

Healthy living is more than just having nutritious foods

Does One Have To Follow A Particular Diet To Stay Healthy?

There's more to food than just curbing your appetite. It is about emotional and social connections, which also contribute to your overall well-being. If you ask me, I would say, keep your protein and fibre intake steady and lay a strong foundation for your overall development. Rest, it is okay to indulge during special occasions. All you need to do is find the balance. For instance, 80% of your diet can be all about healthy foods, and 20% should comprise the social eating you enjoy with friends and family. That's what is equally important for your mental well-being (and physical as well).

Do Eating Carbs Lead To Lifestyle Diseases, Including Weight Gain And Diabetes?

There's nothing called good carbs and bad carbs. They react differently in different bodies. We generally refer to rice and maida as unhealthy. But for an athlete, these carbs may work as good fats and a source of energy just before a match. On the other hand, the same carb can be hazardous for people with diabetes.


My mantra is to enjoy everything in moderation. For instance, you can't give up on chips for your whole life. Instead, I suggest balancing it out with something else, something healthier.

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How Important Is It To Plan Your Snacks Well As A Part Of Your Healthy Diet Regime?

There are two types of snackers - one is a grazer, and the other one is a planned snacker. Usually, 20% of your daily calories come from snacking, and if you are a grazer, it can go much higher. To me, snack planning is most important because that is where most of us go wrong. Usually, we have a huge gap between lunch and dinner, and if you do not eat something in between, you end up overeating at night. This creates an imbalance in your blood sugar levels, leading to various health issues. So, plan your evening snack well to keep control over the portion size of your food. And for grazers, I suggest keeping the food in front to understand how much you are consuming. This will automatically help you control your snacking habit.

What Are Your Snacking Preferences That Are Both Healthy And Indulgent?

I understand that mindless snacking does happen at times. That is where you need to bring a balance. First, avoid eating bland food in the name of dieting, because that increases your craving for sinful indulgence. Instead, have a wholesome meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and include protein, healthy fats, and moderate carbs in your snacking regime.


For a convenient and portable small snack that requires minimal preparation, I suggest opting for a handful of mixed nuts in their natural, non-fried, and unsweetened state. An option for a slightly larger portion would be pistachios, as a greater quantity of about 49-50 nuts can be consumed for about 160 calories intake. Yogurt topped with nuts and fresh fruits is my preferred choice as it is well-balanced and nutritious at the same time.

While I do not endorse binge eating due to the importance of moderation in all aspects of nutrition to prevent eating disorders, I recognize that some individuals prefer snacks with higher volume. For those categorized as volume eaters, I recommend homemade Bhel made with rice murmura, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, homemade green chutney, and a handful of nuts for healthy fats. I would advise avoiding adding bhujia to limit the caloric content.


Another option for volume eaters is my trail mix made of homemade popcorn, a handful of nuts and seeds, and a small amount of raisins. This mix can be prepared in advance and is convenient for travel, suitable for storage in a bottle in the car or office cabinet.

Pista can be a healthy snack option that you can binge on - Simrun Chopra
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We Understand Moderation Is The Key To Good Health. But How Will One Understand That They Are Going Beyond Moderation?

As I mentioned, it is important to find the balance. I believe in adding 20 different types of vegetables to my diet, which prevents me from overdoing a certain ingredient. Today you would see certain people stressing about eating only healthy and organic foods. They refuse to touch anything indulgent. This is unhealthy. And what they fail to realize is that this phenomenon leads to a full-blown eating disorder named orthorexia.

What Is Your Idea Of Intermittent Fasting? What Are The Major Mistakes People Make While Following The Regime?

Here's the thing - intermittent fasting doesn't tell you what to eat; it tells you when to eat. And that is exactly where people go wrong. We have seen people eating uncontrollably in the eating window, which results in various other health diseases. Hence, you need to understand what you are eating in those hours to make the most of it.

Secondly, as I mentioned, a diet doesn't follow a one-size-fits-all theory. So, you need to see if intermittent fasting is affecting positively your health and then move ahead with it. For instance, if someone has diabetes, we need to check if the blood sugar level is getting disrupted due to fasting. If yes, then you need to stop following the regime. To sum it all up, gain enough knowledge before starting intermittent fasting, or any diet regime, in that case.

Is It True You Have To Tweak Your Diet As Per Age?

It is not just age; we must consider various other parameters while setting a diet. And if we talk about age, what we are seeing now is due to the fast-changing lifestyle, there are two ages to look at - chronological age and the body age. Today, we see people suffering from heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes at a very early age. So, I suggest people look into their biological age and health parameters before planning or tweaking their diet.

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