Snake Diet: This 'One-Meal-Per-Day' Fasting Diet Claims To Make You Lighter And Increase Body Strength!


The snake diet has been claimed to allow weight loss, while maintaining body strength. However, what makes the diet dangerous is that it only allows you to eat one meal per day!

Snake Diet: This 'One-Meal-Per-Day' Fasting Diet Claims To Make You Lighter And Increase Body Strength!


  • Snake diet is the latest addition to a crop of fasting diets.
  • The snake diet only allows one meal per day which is pretty dangerous.
  • Starving yourself leads to slow metabolism and is completely impractical.
Weight loss is no cakewalk, and this is a fact that you may have come to realise if you're someone who has tried to shed pounds at any point in your life. Your diet is a major and crucial part of weight loss. In fact, what a lot of people don't realise is that eating right is more effective when it comes to losing weight, than working out or exercising. Fad diets, popularised by celebrities or through social media don't help either. A new fad diet is doing the rounds in news nowadays - snake diet.It is the latest edition to the crop of fasting diets that have been gaining traction in the past few years. The snake diet has been claimed to allow weight loss, while maintaining body strength. However, what makes the diet very difficult to follow is that it only allows you to eat one meal per day! That sounds incredibly hard to follow and also dangerous, but Cole Robinson, the founder of The Snake Diet, has a logic behind the diet's ability to make you shed a few pounds.
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How Does The Snake Diet Work?

Robinson has based the diet plan on the way that animals eat. He says that just like animals that eat a ton of food in a single meal and then go without food for several days, us humans must also do the same. He claims that fasting during the Snake Diet 'resets' the body, and helps you lose extra weight. He also claims that this method of dieting is more effective than eating several light and clean meals every day.Also Read: Low Fat Food: What to Eat and What to Avoid for Weight LossSnake diet evangelists claim that it has helped them fight cravings, and has also 'reset' their eating habits. But, your nutritionist or diet expert is probably not going to buy this claim. Fasting for long periods of time not only affects your metabolism, but is also impractical in the long run. Anyone is unlikely to keep eating just one meal per day for the rest of their life. So, once you stop fasting and following the Snake Diet, you are likely to put on a lot of weight.
Moreover, it's widely known that if you starve yourselves, your body will start storing fat to tide over leaner times, when no source of energy is available. It's always more advisable to eat healthy meals and finish your dinner as early in the evening as possible.
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