Summer Diet: Try These Healthy Blueberry Drinks For Immunity Boost


Beat the heat with the fresh, piquant flavour of blueberry drinks which are both healthy and tasteful.

Summer Diet: Try These Healthy Blueberry Drinks For Immunity Boost
Blueberry is known to be one of those superfoods that are chock-full of nutrients.


  • Blueberry will boost your immunity and will keep diseases at bay.
  • Blueberry is a one of those superfoods that are chock-full of nutrients
  • Hydrate yourself with the nutrient loaded blueberry drinks

Blueberry, an important fruit belonging to the family of berry fruits, is a hidden gem. Its origin can be traced back to North America. Though not too popular in India, it is gradually and slowly catching up with the ranks of other popular fruits. Due to its slightly sour and tart taste, it is mostly used in desserts to neutralise the overload of sweetness. Blueberry is known to be one of those superfoods that are chock-full of nutrients. Blueberry is particularly recognised for its immunity-boosting effects. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties provide a blanket cover to keep away common infections and various diseases. A study conducted by Oregon State University discovered that blueberries contain a compound called pterostilbene that contributes to improving the immune system by activating the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (CAMP) gene.

(Also Read: 7 Incredible Blueberry Benefits: From Being a Powerful Antioxidant to Regulating Blood Sugar)

Despite its immense health benefits, not many people can take to the acrid taste of blueberries. That's why it is usually sneaked into desserts and breakfast cereals. With the summer heat blazing in full power, cold beverages are preferred over weighty meals. So, blueberries can now be consumed through refreshing drinks with the fresh, piquant flavour of the fruit.

Here Are Some Ideas Of Summer Drinks That Can Be Made With Blueberries:


1.Blueberry Smoothie

This is an easy-to-make drink that can be rustled up in minutes. Mix blueberries with some yoghurt, water, honey and cinnamon and just blend them all together. You will start loving this drink once you will realise how refreshing it is.

Healthy blueberry smoothie


2.Blueberry And Oats Shake

During those rushed mornings, this could be a great option for breakfast, especially, if you have no appetite for a heavy meal. Instead of oatmeal, make a milkshake with oats, blueberries and some nuts and seeds. This will keep you energised for a very long time.

Protein-packed blueberry shake


3.Blueberry Virgin Mojito

This drink is perfect to be served to guests. Crush/blend blueberries and add the muddled fruit bits to a glass full of water and soda. Add some lemon juice and mint leaves and your cool mojito is ready.


4.Blueberry Iced Tea

Brew a lemon tea and refrigerate it with crushed blueberries soaked in it. This tea-infused with blueberries will make for an exceptional drink to beat the heat this summer.

Refreshing blueberry ice tea


Having these hydrating drinks packed with the goodness of blueberries will help you wade through this scorching weather with ease. If you have any more ideas of blueberry-based summer drinks, please share with us in the comments section below.

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