This Man Is On Raw Meat Diet For Past 3 Years; Claims He Feels Most Energetic


A man from Nebraska, USA recently made the headlines after claiming that he has been eating raw meat, chicken, eggs, etc for the past three years.

This Man Is On Raw Meat Diet For Past 3 Years; Claims He Feels Most Energetic
The man claims he is more energetic since starting the diet.


  • We recently came across a diet called the raw meat diet.
  • A man has been eating raw meat, chicken, eggs etc. for past three years.
  • Weston Rowe from Nebraska, US is making the headlines for this raw diet.

With people growing more and more health conscious, different types of diets are making their way into our lives. Over the years, we have seen people practicing several fad diets - each having their unique features and benefits. One such diet we recently came across is the raw meat diet. A man from Nebraska, USA recently made the headlines after claiming that he has been eating raw meat, chicken, eggs etc for past three years. That's not all. Weston Rowe also documented his journey on his YouTube channel 'The Natural Human Diet', where we could find him having salmon, turkey, chicken organs, raw meat and more. The thought of such primal food habit might startle you for a while, but Rowe says on his YouTube that he feels "overall energetic throughout the day".

According to The Independent, Rowe explained how the raw diet had overall benefit on his health. He stated that he is in a better mental and physical state, "better than I've ever been before". He further explained that he has never for once fell sick after he started this raw meat diet.

(Also read: This US Man Stores Hamburger For 20 Years: See How It Looks Now)

Another report by the Daily Mail states that Rowe has been eating farm fresh meat, chicken, eggs etc regularly and this unique diet has helped his energy levels "a lot more", as compared to the 'normal' diet.


However, raw chicken is often linked to salmonella infection - a disease caused by food or water contamination. When asked if he is bothered by the same, he told NewYork Post, "It is very controversial, but I believe that raw meat has a natural balance of bacteria on it which works symbiotically with our bodies and serves a purpose."

If you want to find more about Weston Rowe and his raw meat diet, then we suggest, give his YouTube channel 'The Natural Human Diet' a look. The channel, till date, has garnered 4.09k subscribers. Click here for the link.

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