Watch: How To Remove Pesticide Residue From Vegetables And Fruits


Although most contaminants are washed away simply with cold water, there are some more ways to ensure that fruits and vegetables do not have pesticide residue.

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Watch: How To Remove Pesticide Residue From Vegetables And Fruits
Clean your vegetables of pesticide residue with these simple methods.


  • Fruits and vegetables may often contain traces of pesticide residue
  • There are some easy hacks to rid them and make them safe to consume
  • Here are two quick and easy ways to remove pesticide residue

In the post Covid-19 world, there is an increased awareness around food safety and other such associated concerns. These stem from the need to maintain proper sanitation and hygiene, as well as prevent the spread of the epidemic. Food contamination is a stringent problem, in India as well as around the world. According to the WHO, 1 in 10 people fall ill every year from eating contaminated food and 4,20,000 die each year as a result across the globe.

(Also Read: Covid-19: 5 Tips To Properly Wash Fruit And Vegetable Produce Before Consumption)

Fruits and vegetables that we purchase and consume are safe, as long as we practice some measures before eating them. For instance, it has been suggested by various studies that fruits and vegetables may contain residues of pesticides that are used to keep pests at bay while the crops are being cultivated. Although most contaminants are washed away simply with cold water, there are some more ways to ensure that fruits and vegetables do not have pesticide residue.

First way to rid vegetables and fruits of pesticides is to soak it in a mixture of salt and water for ten minutes. This can be done for fruits which need extra care such as apples and strawberries. There is no need to apply unnecessary pressure, simply scrub the surface in the solution. Another option is to use a mixture of vinegar and water, and soak vegetables such as tomatoes and brinjals in the mixture. Gently scrub them and wash immediately with cold water.

Watch The Full Video Of How To Rid Your Vegetables Of Pesticides:

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