Celebrity nutritionist Jane Clark says it is important to cut off technology while taking short breaks, specially during meals. Clark, who has worked with former footballer David Beckham, believes not stressing one self during meals can help them in refreshing themselves, reports femalefirst.co.uk. "It can be very valuable to take a 15-minute break, turn off the phones and technology. Take yourself away from the work desk, even turn off the home phone, so you can enjoy savouring your food in a peaceful moment with 15 uninterrupted minutes whilst eating," Clark said. "This will not only give you an amazing refreshing break, but it will also help the gut start to digest the food, meaning your body will feel much more comfortable," she added. Source: IANS, Los Angeles If you want a perfect nutrition pattern, then pay attention to your consumption of fruits and vegetables, says celebrity nutritionist Jane Clarke. While many people enjoy fruits, it is equally important to pay attention to salads and vegetables, reports femalefirst.co.uk. "Really focus on the vegetable and fruit intake. While we may be pretty good at enjoying fruits, vegetables and salads can be few and far between and they can be delicious and oh so good for the body," Clarke, who has worked with celebrity footballer David Beckham, said. Source: IANS, London
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