Mushrooms Can Help You Lose Weight!

Mushrooms Can Help You Lose Weight!
You probably know that mushrooms have medicinal properties and that they are low in calories but did you know that they can actually help you lose weight? Well, we didn't. The study titled "The effect of mushroom intake on modulating post-prandial glycemic response," from the Department of Nutrition Science at the University of Buffalo shows how Portobello mushrooms can help people lose weight by regulating blood sugar levels.
"Our results indicate that consumption of mushrooms could be useful in regulating glucose levels," says study co-author Peter Horvath, associate professor, Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, School of Public Health and Health Professions. "This alone may benefit individuals attempting to lose weight and who want to exercise for a longer time."To put it simply, every cell in your body needs glucose but our body can't possibly use up all the sugar one consumes through an unhealthy diet. This extra sugar turns into fat that leads to obesity. This is where mushrooms come in. They help to regulate blood sugar levels and help maintain a balance in your body.According to the research - the study had eight men and 10 women between 19 to 29 years of age. Each subject completed three modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests (OGTTs) over a two-week period to see how their blood sugar levels responded to sweet drinks. The OGTTs were evaluated in subjects who consumed one of three drinks, each equally sweet.•         A 75 g glucose drink (G)
•         A 75 g glucose drink with 9.5 g Portabella powder (MG)
•         A 9.5 g Portabella powder with Stevia/flavored water (M)
The results showed decline in after meal-insulin levels in women who consumed glucose drink with Portobello powder. This means mushrooms may keep the body at a healthy weight by balancing out the blood sugar levels. The results were particularly strong in women, but men shouldn't ignore the benefits of this superfood either.All in all, that's more than enough a reason to throw in an extra handful of mushrooms in your grocery bag.  With inputs from Department of Nutrition Science at the University of Buffalo.
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