Enjoy Homemade Mango Pickle Year-Round! 7 Pro Tips to Follow During the Preparation


In this article, we have decided not to restrict you to a single recipe. Instead, we will highlight some essential tips that apply to every version of mango pickle.

Enjoy Homemade Mango Pickle Year-Round! 7 Pro Tips to Follow During the Preparation
Mango pickle rules hearts with its burst of flavours


  • Pickling is an art and follows no strict rule.
  • You will find various mango pickle recipes across India.
  • We bring you some universal tips to follow while making and storing them.

'Tis the season of mangoes, and we're indulging in their lusciousness until the season bids farewell. If you're a mango lover like us, then you're probably finding sneaky ways to incorporate this tropical delight into every imaginable dish. From tantalising dal and aromatic curry to decadent desserts and refreshing lassi, summer unveils a plethora of culinary possibilities with a delightful mango twist. However, amidst this delectable medley, there's one superstar that reigns supreme - mango pickle (aam ka achar). The mere mention of it evokes memories of an enchanting jar tucked away in every Indian kitchen pantry during this time of the year. The elders in countless households diligently prepare jars of mango pickles, preserving them as a cherished part of their age-old tradition, lasting through the seasons.
Now, if you're yearning to capture the essence of this timeless gastronomic tradition, fear not, for we have your back. Brace yourselves as we have found some pro tips cherished by grandmothers, passed down through generations, on the art of pickling and preserving mangoes. Intriguing, isn't it? Come, join us on this culinary journey as we unlock the secrets to creating the perfect mango pickle.
Also Read: Pickle Or Chutney- Which Is Healthier? All You Need To Know

Photo Credit: iStock

How To Prepare and Store Mango Pickle to Enjoy Year-Round:

Pickling is an art that follows no strict rules. As a result, you will find variations in the taste of aam ka achar across different households. It is a tradition passed down through generations and remains within families. Even if you search the internet, you will find multiple mango pickle recipes made with different spices and concoctions.
In this article, we have decided not to restrict you to a single recipe. Instead, we will highlight some essential tips that apply to every version of mango pickle. Read on to discover these pro tips for making and storing mango pickles.
Also Read: 7 Indian Pickles You Can't Afford To Miss: From Classic Mango To Exotic Gooseberry

Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 7 Pro Tips to Follow During the Making and Storing of Mango Pickles:

1. Properly wash the mango:

Cleaning the mango not only ensures its healthiness but also extends its shelf life. If not cleaned properly, the germs and bacteria present on the fruit may extract all the nutrients, leading to spoilage over time. This could further contaminate the pickle, making it hazardous to health.


2. Sun-dry the mango slices before starting the process:

The idea is to use as little water as possible to avoid excess moisture. Hence, it is common to see elders at home sun-drying the kacchi kairi (raw mango) on the roof for a day or two before starting the pickling process. Remember, the goal is to eliminate excess moisture from the mangoes, not to dehydrate them completely.

3. Toast the dry spices before adding them to oil and mixing with mangoes:

Dry roasting spices enhances their aroma. Did you know it also helps extend the shelf life of pickles? Roasting eliminates the risk of spices getting spoiled over time.


4. Use enough oil in the pickle:

When it comes to achar, there's no need to control the use of oil. The more oil you use, the better the pickling process will be. Proper fermentation plays the most important role in extending the shelf life of your aam ka achar.

5. Allow enough time for the achar to set:

Our grandmothers used to say that achar is a labor of love and patience. This means you should never rush while making achar. Take enough time to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and then let it set for a good number of days before storing and consuming it. The more you let it soak under the sun, the fresher it will stay.


6. Use sterilised, dry, and translucent containers for storage:

How you store the pickle also determines its shelf life. Always choose large jars that are sterilized and dry to avoid any type of contamination. Additionally, it is recommended to use translucent jars that allow the achar to soak in sunlight. If you are using ceramic jars, make sure to cover them with a cheesecloth instead of a lid to allow the achar to breathe.

7. Store in multiple jars and finish one jar at a time:

Believe it or not, pickle is a very delicate food; mishandling can spoil it instantly. Therefore, it is advised to divide the achar into multiple jars and use them one at a time. Remember to always use a clean and dry spoon to take out the achar from the jar. Never use an already used utensil to handle the pickle jar.
Follow these basic tips to preserve jars of mango pickles and enjoy them year-round. We hope you find these tips useful. Let us know your experience and if you have any additional suggestions.

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