The 90's Candy Paradise

The 90's Candy Paradise
Are they still available? Yes. But we need to be very lucky to find it at some random shop. So if you were born in the 90's, I am sure you've been missing these candies.
1) Phantom sweet cigarettes
There was no kid in the whole world who did not pretend to 'smoke a cigarette' or apply some 'lipstick' with the red 'flame' trying to show off 'Yeah, I am a big girl, I can apply lipstick'. Oh, sweet heaven.

2) Hubba Bubba: Bubble gum, tape and jug

Carrying it 'unofficially' to school. (Our teacher's preaching: Don't you know gum is for bad kids?) Feeling like a cowboy trying to strike a deal with a wealthy oil merchant. If I give you 2 centimeters of this tape, you give me that last piece of chocolate.

3) Magic Pop: Crackling Candy

The sheer excitement that our faces brimmed with, with the thought of the sparkly dust to tickle our tongues. Leaning on the cashier's counter to check it out soon so that all of us could start rummaging the packets to snatch the packs. As my joint family genes have taught me: You snooze, you loose.4) Funtoosh: The 2 rupee ice lolly
All we used to get was 10 rupees per day for snacks in school. 5 rupees for a packet of fun flips and 2 rupees for that orange flavored squeeze-y ice cream on a hot summer day. Nothing could get better than that.

5) Chips with tazoos

Okay this one is absolutely extinct. The amount of money my brother and I spent on buying those chips just to increase our tazoo collection would have helped me buy my dream car now.
Also, remember crax chips? The corn rings were doubled as actual finger rings and all those sticky masala hands were wiped with our T-shirts. But these I can still find easily and repeat the procedure happily. Om nom nom nom.Think we've missed out on some products you loved? Tell us about it in comment box below.

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