German Bakery Celebrates Year Of Covid Vaccine With Syringe-Shaped Cakes


A bakery in Dortmund, Germany has created cakes shaped like syringes to celebrate the year of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

German Bakery Celebrates Year Of Covid Vaccine With Syringe-Shaped Cakes
Take a look at the syringe-shaped cakes made by this German bakery.


  • A bakery in Dortmund, Germany has created an interesting cake
  • The cake is shaped like a syringe with a message on it
  • It was made to celebrate the year of the Covid-19 vaccine

The year of Coronavirus pandemic is finally behind us, with 2021 bringing much to look forward to. The rollout of vaccines to frontline workers and individuals has begun in many countries across the world - giving citizens much reason to celebrate. And no celebration is complete without a cake, right? A German bakery named Schuerner's Baking Paradise in the town of Dortmund, Germany, has created an interesting syringe-shaped cake to celebrate the year of the Covid-19 vaccine. Take a look:

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This is not the first instance that the bakery has innovated with the items keeping Coronavirus in mind. As supermarkets ran out of toilet paper in many cities across the world, the German bakery created innovative cakes shaped like toilet paper. The novel toilet paper cakes launched in March 2020 became all the rage on social media, garnering attention from consumers and selling like hot cakes (literally). Take a look:

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Although the toilet paper cakes were a hit, the bakery's owner Tim Kortuem was initially worried about his syringe-shaped cakes. He felt they would be taking a step too far, taking up an issue of a vaccine which is slowly being adopted by he population. "First we were a bit sceptical whether it would be a bit too macabre," he said to Reuters. "But then we did it after all. Because even for anti-vaxxers it's funny. It is a vaccine without any side effect since . And you can come back and get another one because it is so yummy."


What do you think about the syringe-shaped cakes? Would you eat the yummy creations? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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