Taapsee Pannu is one actor who has never shied away from taking up challenging roles in her films, something that her fans and more than 18 million followers on Instagram truly admire her for. Completing yet another interesting role of 'speed-runner', Taapsee recently wrapped up the shoot of 'Rashmi Rocket' in Kutch, Gujarat. The film is a sports drama and is based on the life of an athlete from a village in Gujarat. The role required months of rigorous training and a strict diet, about which Taapsee has shared a lot with her fans on social media. From her morning meal like sweet potato tikkis to her fat burning 'exotic sunset drink', the 'Pink' actor revealed a lot about her diet!
But what recently caught our eye was her 'diet treat' by her nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal on the occasion of completing the film! Taapsee took to Instagram stories to share a short video of her plate full of yummy vada pav stuffed with bhujiyas along with spicy green and red chutney on the side! Have a look:
(Also Read: All About Taapsee Pannu And Her 'Sunset Drink' For Weight Loss And Muscle Pain)
"My 'diet' treat, thank you munmun but hopefully Priyanshu Painyuli will keep his hands away!"Taapsee wrote as her co-actor Priyanshu tried to steal some from her plate. "On the occasion of finishing this film, this is my treat. Thanks Munmun!" She says in the video and adds "this is a part of my diet btw, just saying."
Isn't this the dream diet of every foodie? But not to forget, Taapsee has earned this 'diet treat' after months of slogging and curbing her cravings. Here's wishing the best for her next!