When 'Barbie' Met Lauki - Funny Post About Homemade Food Has Internet In Splits


A Twitter user named Sagar Budhwani shared how his mother tried to convince him to eat lauki sabzi or bottled gourd with a 'Barbie' twist.

When 'Barbie' Met Lauki - Funny Post About Homemade Food Has Internet In Splits
Barbie fever has taken over our home-cooked food as well.


  • A photograph of a conversation has gone viral
  • A mother was interacting with her son about meals
  • The funny tweet left internet in splits

Unless you have been on a digital detox, you would be flooded with posts and videos about the recently released film 'Barbie'. Starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, the film is a live-action retelling made by reimagining the toy figurine. Everything in the film - from the costumes to the sets - is drenched in trademark Barbie pink colour. And now, the 'Barbie' fever has percolated down to homemade food as well! Recently, a Twitter user named Sagar Budhwani shared how his mother tried to convince him to eat lauki sabzi or bottled gourd. Take a look:

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In the post shared by the Twitter user, we could see a conversation that the user apparently had with his mother. "Mummy aaj khane mein kya banaya hai, (What have you made for today's meal)," he asked in the chat. His mother replied with a photograph of Lauki or gourd sabzi topped with mustard seeds and curry leaves. Rather than the usual way of writing the name, she wrote it with an extra 'e' and in the typical 'Barbie' font. Meanwhile, the user chose to skip the meal and responded, "Meine ye batane ke liye message kiya tha ki meine khana kha liya hai dost ke yaha (I've eaten at a friend's place already)," he wittily responded.
The funny post about homemade food left the internet in splits. It has already raked in over 16.5k views and hundreds of comments and likes. Take a look at some of the funny reactions:

What did you think of the lauki getting the 'Barbie' treatment? Tell us in the comments.

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