Wow! Restaurant Offers Job To Thief; Funny Post Says He Broke In For Their Great Food


The U.S. restaurant put up a funny post joking that the burglar probably broke in to eat the restaurant's famous burritos. The clever post won the internet's heart in no time.

Wow! Restaurant Offers Job To Thief; Funny Post Says He Broke In For Their Great Food
Funny post by robbed restaurant win's people's heart.


  • A thief broke into a restaurant by breaking its front door.
  • The restaurant offered the burglar job in the restaurant.
  • Restaurant's Facebook post impressed the interent.

The normal course of action after a burglary would be to press charges. And if you happen to catch the criminal in action in a video camera installed, you have more chances of finding the culprit. But this restaurant took the high road and instead offered the burglar a job in the same place he broke into. The U.S. restaurant put up a funny post joking that the burglar probably broke in to eat the restaurant's famous burritos. The clever post won the internet's heart in no time.

The owner of Diablo's Southwest Grill restaurant in Augusta, Georgia, walked into his restaurant one morning to find the front glass door smashed into tiny pieces. On checking the video camera, he also found evidence confirming robbery in his restaurant. He posted pictures of the broken restaurant door and a screenshot of the footage showing the thief stealing a bag, apparently of cash, at about 4.20 AM early that morning.

Here is the Facebook post:

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Instead of rushing to the police for investigation, Carl decided to deal the mishap in his own smart way. He joked in his post, "Our burritos are such a smash hit we've got people breaking in at 4am for their fix. So, if ya see our door looking hurricane fabulous at Wheeler Rd this is why."

On the occasion of Easter, Carl thought of extending an olive branch to the robber rather than turning him in. He wrote "To the would-be robber who is clearly struggling with life decisions or having money issues... please swing by for a job application. There are better opportunities out there than this path you've chosen. No police, no questions. Let's sit down and talk about how we could help you and fix the road you're on. Sincerely Carl."


The interesting post garnered 4k likes, 4.5k re-shares and more than 600 comments, with users appreciating the owner's generosity. Comments like these are flowing in:

"Perhaps one in a hundred thousand people would have been as generous as you, in offering such a person a chance for a new. better life. I would love to be pleasantly surprised to learn that the perpetrator took you up on it, but I'm not willing to bet that it will happen. Come on, perpetrator! Show me that I'm wrong. Come forward and take Carl Wallace up on an offer you shouldn't refuse."


"You are very nice person for trying to help. God will Bless you."

"This will be my new go to fix Diablo's for sure. What a noble thing to say and do. I'm severely Impressed."


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Overwhelmed by the huge response, Carl put up another post saying, "I never imagined what started out as a frustrating day, would turn into an international news story. The outpouring of love from our hometown and now the world to our story has left us all speechless. Love, kindness, forgiveness will always be a better solution than hate."


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