5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight While Working From Office


A sedentary job can make you gain weight fast. But with these tips, you can easily lose weight without compromising your work.

5 Simple Ways To Lose Weight While Working From Office
Working from office can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in weight gain.


  • A desk job can cause you to gain weight.
  • With these simple tips, you can avoid it.
  • Read on to know more!

In today's trend of hustle culture, finding the balance between work and wellness can seem like an impossible task. Losing weight is not easy, but can seem even more daunting when you work from the office eight hours a day or more. Sitting at a desk all day, grabbing something quick to eat and munching calorie-laden snacks can lead to weight gain without you realizing it. However, working from office does not mean you have to compromise on your health. Instead, you can apply these simple tips in your daily life and, if not lose, then control those extra kilos. Intrigued? Read on to know more.

Also Read: 5 Easy-To-Make Raitas For Weight Loss

Keep a bottle on your desk and set reminders to drink water.
Photo Credit: iStock

5 Tips To Lose Weight While Working From Office

1. Stay Hydrated

While working from the office, we often tend to forget one main thing – stay hydrated! It is important to remember that hydration is the key to losing weight. Drinking water allows our body to flush out toxins and also reduce appetite. Keep a water bottle at your desk and aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is also a better alternative to calorie-laden sodas.

2. Pack Healthy Snacks

Say 'Sayonara' to sugary snacks and switch to consuming nutritious items while munching during office hours. Prepare snacks like nuts, fresh fruits, yoghurt, cut-up veggies, trail mix, etc. and keep them handy at your desk. This won't just help you prevent munching on high-calorie snacks but also save money that you would likely spend on vending machine items.


3. BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch)

Make it a habit to bring your own lunch to the office. While ordering online or hitting the nearest fast-food joint might seem like a convenient option, make an effort to plan and pack a balanced lunch for your own health. Include food items like lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. Opt for homemade meals whenever possible to control ingredients and portion sizes. 

Pack a healthy lunch for yourself if you want to lose weight while working from an office.
Photo Credit: iStock


4. Stay Active

Often, office jobs are sedentary. And since we spend most of our time in the office, it is important to keep taking breaks and moving. Ditch the elevator and take the stairs. Take short breaks to stretch, walk around the office, or do some desk exercise. What's more, consider standing desks or walking while taking important calls to increase daily movement. 

5. Mindful Eating

Of all the things, it is important to listen to your body by practising mindful eating. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Avoid eating at your desk while distracted and take time to enjoy and relish your meals. Eating slowly can help you prevent overeating and promote better digestion.


Also Read: Is Eating Less An Ideal Way To Lose Weight? Experts Reveal!

Do you have any other tips to lose weight while working from the office? Let us know in the comments below!

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