Have you ever met someone whose foul breath makes it unpleasant for you to sit next to them? And all of a sudden, you realise that you could one day be this person. Well, a lot of us worry about our breath because no one wants to be specifically judged on how bad their breath stinks. Maintaining good oral hygiene is one way to keep your breath fresh, however there are certain foods that have strong smell which could also be among the reasons for bad breath. So, it is important to know about the foods that can cause this. Worry not, we have listed down 6 foods which you should avoid eating before meeting someone.
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Here Are 6 Foods That Can Cause Bad Breath:
1. Onion
It's not surprising that eating onions can cause bad breath. Many people also refer bad breath as onion breath. Avoid eating onions before important meetings or social gatherings because the strong smell, and foul breath can leave a negative impression on others.
Raw onions have a stronger smell than cooked onions. Photo Credit: istock
2. Garlic
Although food cooked with garlic, tends to give heavenly aroma and also enhances its flavour, but garlic's rich flavour can linger in your mouth for hours, which could eventually lead to bad breath. It's better to stay away from foods that are heavily garlic-infused, including garlic butter.
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3. Ghee
Known as clarified butter, ghee has a delicious flavour and is healthy to consume. One spoon of ghee can provide a powerful aroma to your meal. However, you might want to avoid consuming foods prepared with ghee because the odour can stay in your mouth and make it stink.
Ghee has a rich aroma that stays for hours. Photo Credit: istock
4. Sour Food
Foods that are sour have a strong, powerful smell. Sour curd, chaach, kadi are some sour foods which should be avoided if you are stepping outside your house. Instead, have plan yogurt, since it has a mild flavour.
5. Alcohol
Don't be someone who reeks of alcohol. Drinking with friends is fun, but keep in mind that alcohol has a strong smell that can be easily whiffed. Take mint gum or mouth refreshing spray with you if you're going out for drinks. They will cut down the odour of alcohol.
6. Fermented Food
Pickles (achar), kimchi, and fermented vegetables should be a big no if you want to keep your breath fresh. When foods get fermented, they develop a very strong aroma, and become sour and salty in taste. This is why they should not be eaten before going out.
If you've already had these foods before going out, you can simply rinse your mouth and brush your teeth to make the bad smell go away