The launch of Gauri Khan's first restaurant Torii in Mumbai was a star-studded affair. Our social media was flooded with pictures of celebrities attending the do. Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives stars Maheep Kapoor, Bhavana Pandey, Neelam Kothari and Seema Sajdeh, and even Filmmaker Karan Johar were pictured at the restaurant. Right after the launch, Angad Bedi celebrated his 41st birthday at Torii with his wife Neha Dhupia and friends, pictures of which were shared by Soha Ali Khan. But just a few glimpses of the restaurant on social media, left us wanting to see and know more. Well... now we do!
After designing many prominent restaurants, Gauri Khan stepped into the world of hospitality with the grand opening of her newest venture, Torii. Torii is a progressive Asian eatery that brings together influences from around the globe to create a unique dining experience. Teaming up with restaurateur Abhayraj Kohli and entrepreneur Tanaaz Bhatia, Gauri Khan has set out to redefine the dining scene.
Talking about the launch, Gauri Khan says, "Once I began designing restaurants it got me thinking how I could be more involved in this industry which I find exciting. With Torii, Abhayraj, Tanaaz and I wanted to create a sophisticated, and glamourous restaurant & bar where quality is seen in everything from the food to the drinks and of course, the design."
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What Does Torii Mean?
The name Torii originates from Japan, where it refers to a traditional gate found at the entrance of Shinto shrines. For Gauri Khan, Torii represents more than just a restaurant; it's a sophisticated and glamorous space where quality shines through every aspect, from the food and drinks to the design.
What To Expect Inside Torii:
Gauri Khan's design vision for Torii is evident from the moment you step inside. The restaurant effortlessly combines indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a seamless flow that enhances the overall dining experience. With a colour palette of gold, black, and white, accented by touches of red and green, Torii exudes elegance and style.
The outdoor dining area is a sight to behold, with its black and grey print fabric seats, back-painted green glass table tops, and brushed brass accents. The addition of lush greenery and strategically placed mirrors adds a touch of sophistication to the space.
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What To Eat In Torii:
The menu, crafted by Chef Stefan Gadit, offers a tantalising array of dishes influenced by global flavours. From fresh Nigiri Sushi and Sashimi to indulgent Maki Rolls and Signature Cold Dishes, there's something for every palate.
The Charcoal Grill section features dishes like Yakiniku Baby Corn, Caramelized Pork Belly, and Shrimp Kushiyaki, each bursting with flavour. Torii's Signature Dishes include Yakiniku Lobster, Truffle Mushroom Ramen, and Torii Steak & Chips, offering a culinary journey like no other.
And let's not forget about the desserts! Torii's dessert menu is a delight for the senses, with options like Yuzu Mielle Feuille, Shibuya Toast, and The Tropics, each offering a sweet ending to your meal.
But what sets Torii apart is its extraordinary bar program. Inspired by the rich culinary heritage of Asia, Torii's cocktails are a work of art. From Simmered Shiitake-infused cocktails to Matcha Tea Ceremony-inspired drinks, each cocktail is a masterpiece in itself.
With its innovative cuisine, stylish ambience, and exceptional cocktails, Torii is set to become a culinary destination like no other.