High-Protein Diet: Replace You Regular Tea-Time Cookies With These Healthy Oatmeal Biscuits


There's nothing like baking a fresh batch of biscuits at the comfort of your own kitchen. And when they are a balance of tasty and healthy, it's all the more better!

High-Protein Diet: Replace You Regular Tea-Time Cookies With These Healthy Oatmeal Biscuits
Light, crispy and absolutely delicious oatmeal cookies that you can make at home.


  • Biscuits are in indispensable part of our tea breaks
  • The sheer variety of biscuits make it all the more attractive
  • Oatmeal biscuits are a balance of taste and nutrition

Cookies and biscuits are the perfect accompaniment to a piping hot cup of tea. Don't you agree? Whether it's a tea-time break in the middle of the day or your evening cuppa, crunchy little treats dipped in chai gives an instant bout of energy. In India, dipping a biscuit in chai is quite a ritual. From biscotti and cookies to shortbreads, there are so many variations of snacks that one can choose.

But did you know that your beloved cookies can be protein-rich too? Yes, those buttery-sweet treats can be a pack of healthy delights with the addition of rolled oats! Here we have an interesting recipe of biscuits that are not just tasty but are also healthy. And the best part is that if you are watching your weight, then you can include them in your diet without any second thoughts.

(Also  Read: 11 Best Biscuit Recipes)

Oats are an incredible source of protein and fibre; and as per health experts, oats boost energy, aid in weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart attacks. It is also a super versatile food that can be added to multiple dishes to make some of the most delicious and healthy treats. These oatmeal biscuits, for instance, is nutritious and yummy mix of butter, honey, oats, coconut and flour that are baked to perfect crisp. And all this would take just about 30 minutes!

These oatmeal biscuits keep us full for a longer time and fuel our body with energy. While this recipe uses castor sugar as well, you can skip it if you want it less sweet.


Find the full recipe of oatmeal biscuits here.

Try these biscuits at home with your next cup of tea and share your experience in the comments section below.

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