The scorching sun's relentless heat has us all yearning for refreshing beverages. While sipping on a steaming cup of tea might suffice for a daily energy boost, it falls short of satisfying our cravings. For those addicted to caffeine, a tall, invigorating glass of iced tea does the job not just well, but exceptionally so. This explains the prevalence of iced tea on the menus of eateries, both large and small. If your affection for iced tea rivals ours, you're likely eager to concoct it at home rather than waiting to step out for this exquisite drink. Unsure about the process? Worry not. Embrace our guide and master the art of crafting this beverage like a true connoisseur whenever the craving hits.
Also Read: 6 New Iced Tea Flavours You Can Try
How To Make The Perfect Iced Tea:
1. Begin with Quality Tea
Achieving top-tier iced tea hinges on selecting top-tier tea leaves. Therefore, ensure that you source tea leaves from reputable and trusted brands that will aid you in creating superb iced tea. Ordinary leaves won't suffice for this extraordinary beverage.
2. Break The Boundaries - Get Experimental
The realm of iced tea is substantially more diverse than you might envision. If you've sampled various iced tea variations at restaurants or cafes, you're well aware of what we're alluding to. So liberate yourself from the confines of conventional black tea leaves and infuse your iced tea with the enchanting flavours of lavender, mint, lemongrass, orange zest, and more.
3. Follow the Right Process Consistently
Let's now delve into the correct methodology. Bring a substantial amount of water to a boil over medium-high heat. Depending on your taste preferences, introduce the tea bags, allowing the brew to steep for a duration of 8 to 10 minutes. Exercise caution with steeping time-prolonged steeping results in excessively bitter tea.
4. Mind the Temperature
This is where temperature nuances come into play. Robust black and darker teas require water at a rolling boil. Conversely, for green, white, and lighter oolong teas, water in the range of 170 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal to coax out the finest attributes of each leaf.
Also Read: How To Make Basic Iced Tea For Some Refreshment
Iced tea can be made in different flavours.
Photo Credit: iStock
5. Remember these Essential Tips:
- Limit the steeping time of your tea bag to a maximum of 10 minutes; anything beyond this risks imparting bitterness to your creation.
- Add sweeteners to your tea while it's still warm. This facilitates the seamless integration of tea and sweetness.
- Allow the tea to cool to room temperature prior to refrigeration.
- Consume your refrigerated and sealed tea within 24 to 48 hours - this marks the grace period before its flavour wanes.
Here's to the flawless iced tea- a homage to summer, flavour, and the enchantment that accompanies each sip. Eager to concoct your own iced tea? We present to you some must-try recipes. Discover them here.