Is Paneer Actually Better Than Mozzarella Cheese? Here's What Expert Reveals


Paneer is often preferred over mozzarella cheese for a healthy diet. But is it a good idea to let go of our beloved mozzarella cheese?

Is Paneer Actually Better Than Mozzarella Cheese? Here's What Expert Reveals
There are different varieties of cheese available.


  • Mozzarella cheese is considered unhealthy by many.
  • But this expert busts the myth.
  • Here are some facts you should not about mozzarella cheese.

Do you straightaway discard mozzarella cheese when embarking on a healthy diet? We all do ...with a heavy heart. The battle between flavours and health benefits often prioritises health. So we say goodbye to our beloved mozzarella cheese and embrace the desi paneer (cottage cheese) assuming it is for the better. But is it? While both cheeses add a creamy, indulgent touch to dishes, the quest for health and weight loss prompted us to explore their nutritional nuances. And we were in for a surprise when we found out the truth.
Also Read: How To Make Homemade Cheese: Celebrity Chef Shares Easy Recipe 

Paneer Or Mozzarella? Which Is Better 

Paneer, a staple in Indian cuisine, is revered as a protein-packed dietary choice. Crafted by curdling milk with lemon juice or vinegar, paneer retains its delicate milky flavour and crumbly texture. What sets paneer apart is its robust protein content, which plays a pivotal role in muscle repair, satiety, skin health and metabolism.  

Mozzarella, renowned for its gooey and delectable stretch, claims its own niche in the cheese universe. Originating in Italy, mozzarella is a favourite for its ability to lend creaminess to pizzas, pasta, and a myriad of dishes. Crafted from cow's milk, this cheese boasts a soft, mild flavour that goes seamlessly with an array of culinary creations.
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Both cheese varieties receive equal love for indulgence but not for healthy eating. You'll be surprised to know that mozzarella is not a bad option, even for a weight-loss diet. Skin health depends on the diet we eat. A healthy diet leads to healthy skin. Dermatologist Dr Tanvi Vaidya revealed in an Instagram post that mozzarella can be actually a better option if consumed in moderation. She stated, "Paneer is also cheese, it's cottage cheese. When we eat paneer, we consume 5-6 pieces minimum in one go. On the other hand, mozzarella is grated, so we end up having only one or two cubes." Also shedding light on nutritional information on both varieties, she made some startling revelations: 


Mozzarella has fewer calories: 

The expert announced that paneer has 15% more calories than paneer. When we checked on the site of the United States Department Of Agriculture (USDA), we found out that a 100-gram portion of paneer has 299 kcal, while mozzarella has slightly less - 286 kcal energy.  

Mozzarella Cheese has more protein content 

Dr Tanvi Vaidya said that paneer has less protein content than mozzarella cheese. USDA data shows that 100 grams of mozzarella cheese has 21.43 protein content while the same portion size of paneer provides 15.9 protein content.
Also Read: Say Cheese! These 4 Healthy Cheese Varieties Are Diet-Friendly 


Mozzarella cheese is low in carbs too 

The dermatologist said that paneer has 15% more carb content than paneer, but we found the difference even more in USDA Data. A 100-gram serving of mozzarella cheese contains just 3.57 grams of carbohydrates and paneer has 22.5 grams.  

Dr Tanvi Vaidya also claimed that mozzarella is not as fattening as it is made out to be. And we hope it's true. Having said this, paneer still tops the list of healthy foods and nourishes us with various other nutrients like calcium and vitamins. This means we can enjoy both mozzarella and paneer in our diet and reap the various health benefits these two offer. Of course, moderation is important while consuming any kind of cheese.  


(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)
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