Love Baking Cakes? Bake Cake Like A Pro With These Essential Ingredients


Do you love the sweet smell of freshly baked cakes and muffins? If yes, then you must try baking some at home! Here are a few products that might help you in doing so.

Love Baking Cakes? Bake Cake Like A Pro With These Essential Ingredients

Let's admit it, baking a moist and spongy cake is not as simple as it seems! It needs patience and persistence to master the skill. Moreover, if you are a beginner, then you must know that baking is science and needs right kind of ingredient in exact proportion to get a perfect cake without crumbling it. Keeping this in mind, we bring you some essential baking ingredients that may help you get your baking game on point, that too with minimum effort. Read on.

Here're 4 Baking Essential Options For You:

1. Cocoa Powder

Hershey's Cocoa Powder

No matter how bad your day is, a rich chocolate-y cake can cheer you up in no time. Hence, we bring this box of Hershey's cocoa powder that will help you whip up a chocolate-y dessert to satiate your sweet cravings.

20% off
Hershey's Cocoa Powder, 225g
(14K+ ratings & reviews)

2. Whipped Cream

Bakerswhip Whipping Cream Powder

A slice of pastry is just not complete without whipped cream on top of it. Imagine those lip-smacking velvety pastries in your favourite confectionary shop! If want to replicate those delectable recipes at home, then this whipping cream powder by Bakerswhip is a must-have in your kitchen.

Editor's Pick
1% off
Bakerswhip Whipping Cream Powder, 450g
(10K+ ratings & reviews)

3. Vanilla Essence

Ossoro French Vanilla Flavour

There's no denying the fact that vanilla essence holds a constant place in any cake preparation. Without it, cookies and cake taste dull and boring. We found this French vallina essence by Ossoro that will help you enhance the flavour of your sweet-treat in no time.


4. Yeast

Desire Baker's Active Dry Yeast

Yeast is a commonly used ingredient in several baked goods to make them light, fluffy and softer. Here's a dry yeast option for you, which can be a smart addition to your collection.

Also Consider
Desire Baker's Active Dry Yeast
(4,928 ratings & reviews)
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