National Nutrition Week 2021: Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares Tips For Healthy Digestion


From what to eat for healthy digestion to what to avoid, Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar reveals tried-and-tested easy solutions for digestive disorders.

National Nutrition Week 2021: Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares Tips For Healthy Digestion
National Nutrition Week : Rujuta Diwekar talks about everything you need to know for digestion


  • Having digestion problems means much more than irregular bowel movements
  • A good digestive system is one of the secrets to a long and happy life.
  • Celebrity Nutritionist gives tips for a healthy digestive system

National Nutrition Week 2021 was flagged off on 1st September and will last till 7th September. It is an annual 7-day affair where the world comes together to talk about the importance of nutrition in today's time. And as celebrity nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar rightfully points out - in her recent Instagram video - that it is time when we should stop relying on store-bought protein powders and supplements. Instead, one must try and see if there are many natural and inexpensive ways that may help you achieve the same results. Rujuta recently posted an 18-minute long video explaining and guiding us through natural and inexpensive ways to deal with one of the major common problems of the day - digestion. Take a look at the video here:

(Also read: )

Having digestion problems means much more than irregular bowel movements, a good digestive system ensures that your body fully receives and stores the nutrients of your healthy food, it also means you will sleep better, wake up fresher, and feel much lighter on your step. All in all, having a good digestive system is one of the secrets to a long and happy life. So, we gathered everything the nutritionist had to say, and here are the points that you should remember.

Diagnosis :

It is important to diagnose the issue before you start treating it and Rujuta helps us do just that, some of the ways you can know that you have digestive issues are

1. If you have routine acidity, bloating, or gas problems.


2. If you have trouble sleeping even after having a tiring day.

3. If you find yourself craving sweets extensively without any rhyme or reason.


4. If you have poor compliance and find that you can't stick to a routine.

Constant acidity or gas problems imply you have poor digestion


Once you've cleared that you have digestive issues, the nutritionist moves to explain what are the things that might have triggered these issues.


1. Dehydration:

Having adequate water has been related to weight loss, good skin health, and now, it turns out it is also important for a good digestive system.

2. Excess caffeine:

Excess caffeine may also be hampering your digestive system. Rujuta points out that you should not have more than 3 cups of tea/coffee a day and definitely no caffeine after 4 pm.


3. Wrong proportions:

With the extensive diet culture that everyone is following we forget that while it is important to include protein, carb, and fat in your meal, it is also important to include all three in healthy proportions.

4. Not having enough good fats:

A lot of us have completely given up on having natural unprocessed good fats like nuts, ghee, and butter and instead gone for processed fibers and laxatives.


5. Lack of activity:

Well, it is no secret that with our sedative lifestyles, we have minimum to zero activity throughout the day and that may be one of the reasons for your poor digestion.

Unhealthy food and lack of activity can be the reason why you have these digestive problems


Finally, coming to the simple solutions that might help you with a good gut and better digestion, Rujuta leaves us with some of the must-follow tips and tricks.

1. Ghee and Jaggery:

From eliminating that sweet craving of yours to the bad breath because of bad digestion, ghee and jaggery add just the right amount of fiber and iron to your meal. Have it after lunch for improved digestive functions.

2. Banana:

You must have heard of a pro-biotic, but do you know what a pre-biotic is? It is the food needed for the pro-biotic to grow and banana is just that. Having a banana ensures that the colonies of good bacteria in your body are healthy and thriving.

3. Dahi and raisin:

This combination helps you tackle, gas, sudden burping, and even PCOD. It is a natural way to increase hemoglobin and to include Vitamin B12 in your diet.

4. Include more activity:

It is well known that exercise keeps your body healthy, and it is only natural that it does also help extensively in improving digestion and gut problems.

5. Napping:

Excessive stress and no time for rest often might lead you to burn out, in turn leaving your digestive system weak. Squeeze in a 15-minute nap in the afternoon that will also help with better sleep in the night.

Maintaining a healthy diet can help with digestive issues

(Also read: )

Wish your digestive problems goodbye with these easy tips.

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