Season Your Fries, Noodles And Pastas With This Homemade Peri Peri Masala


Whether it is your regular aloo subzi or fancy pasta and fries, the flavour of all dishes can be taken to a whole new level by adding in a wonder spice mix. We're talking about peri peri masala.

Season Your Fries, Noodles And Pastas With This Homemade Peri Peri Masala
Peri Peri Masala Mix to Spruce Up Your Boring Dish


  • Use kitchen ingredients to make the peri peri masala mix
  • This spicy mix powder can be added to several dishes
  • Add it to your French fries and roasted makhanas

For someone who loves to experiment while cooking, kitchen ingredients play a vital role! Our everyday breakfast, lunch and dinner staples can be made interesting with a whole lot of kitchen spices. All you need to know is the right spice to experiment with! Whether it is your regular aloo subzi or fancy pasta and fries, the flavour of all dishes can be taken to a whole new level by adding in a wonder spice mix. We're talking about peri peri masala.

For all the spice junkies out there, this masala mix is high on the spice quotient. Peri peri masala can turn even your boring dishes into delectable ones. You can now add it to your regular curries by making it at home with readily available ingredients. Peri peri spice is also used as a seasoning agent in chicken recipes, rice recipes and even mutton recipes.

You can also add this mix to roasted makhanas and carry it to office when cravings kick in. If you have a party at home and have friends coming over, you may even toss peanuts with peri peri masala and pair them with some cocktails of your choice.

(Also Read : 9 Health Benefits Of Makhanas: The Desi Snack That's Making A Comeback)

Add this Peri Peri masala to your French fries and enjoy the spicy treat

How To Make Peri Peri Spice At Home:

Ingredients Required:

2 tsp salt
4 tsp oregano
1 tsp black pepper powder
4 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground dry ginger
1 tsp powdered sugar
1 tsp onion powder
4 tsp paprika powder
4 tsp ground cayenne pepper
2 tsp chilli flakes


To begin with, take a bowl and add in all the ingredients in it.
With the help of backside of a spoon, mix together all ingredients so that no clumps remain.
Once this is done, transfer the mix in an air-tight container and store in a fridge.

Note: The peri peri mix can be prepared in just a few minutes and will stay fresh for up to two-three months. Use it as and when required. If you are someone who cannot tolerate excess spice, you may as well customise the proportion of chilli flakes and Cayenne pepper as per your liking and taste.

This peri peri masala mix tastes just like the store-bought ones. So, the next time you plan to make fries, noodles or pastas at home, add a pinch of peri peri spice to them and see how the flavour elevates.

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