Protein-Rich Breakfast: Eggs-Based Shakshuka Is The New Trending Lockdown Recipe You Must Try


High-protein food: Shakshuka recipe is an egg-based dish that can be made in less than 30 minutes and is ideal for those mornings when you want to have something quick, healthy and delicious.

Protein-Rich Breakfast: Eggs-Based Shakshuka Is The New Trending Lockdown Recipe You Must Try
Lockdown Recipe: Shakshuka is a popular dish in Israel and Middle East.


  • Eggs are rich in proteins and other nutrients.
  • Try shakshuka - eggs recipe, which is trending these days.
  • Make this eggs dish for healthy breakfast during lockdown.

Eggs-based shakshuka recipe: If you've been actively following Instagram for new recipe ideas to try during lockdown, you must have come across many people cooking and posting pictures of shakshuka. This rarely-seen-before dish has taken the internet by storm and piqued the curiosity of many tyro cooks. Shakshuka is an egg-based dish from Israel and the Middle East; in fact, it is a staple in Arab cuisine. Global connectivity has led many regional cuisines traverse boundaries and this egg breakfast meal of shakshuka is the latest to join the bandwagon.

Variety Of Shakshuka

Typical shakshuka is made of poached eggs floating on a bed of tomato puree or sauce spiced with common spices and herbs. But you'll find many variation of shakshuka, adapting to the specific taste sensibilities of a particular region. For instance, in Turkey, shakshuka is made by scrambling eggs, instead of poaching them. Some people also add veggies like bell peppers and mushrooms, minced meats and even yogurt to the dish to suit their taste preferences. Italian food lovers top it with a generous topping of cheese, while health fanatics will make 'green shakshuka' for themselves, by adding green veggies like spinach and broccoli to it.

(Also Read: High-Protein Diet: 4 Yummy Ways To Have Boiled Eggs For Breakfast)

Eggs are rich in proteins and perfect for breakfast. 

Simplicity Is The Key To Popularity

Shakshuka is easy to make with simple ingredients - this was the reason it gained so much popularity in the first place. As it travelled across different countries, it got modified in numerous ways. Yet, the traditional Middle-Eastern shakshuka still wins our heart. Onions and garlic are sauteed and tomato puree along with chopped tomatoes is added and cooked till all the tomatoes are mashed properly. Spices like salt, black pepper and fresh herbs add in more favours. When the tomato puree is ready, just make wells in it and fill it with eggs and poach them in the pan itself.


This one-pot, easy and protein-rich breakfast can be made in less than 30 minutes and is ideal for those mornings when you want to have something quick, healthy, filling and delicious. You can garnish it with coriander leaves or olives, or basil leaves, or anything of your choice. Pair it with garlic bread or toasted bread for a wholesome meal. 

(Also Read: )


Here's the complete recipe of traditional shakshuka.

Surprise your family with the all-new eggs breakfast and don't forget to click pretty pictures to post on your social media account.

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