Anjeer Milk For Winters: Recipe And Health Benefits Of This Healthy Drink


Health Benefits Of Anjeer Milk: Anjeer milk can be considered a great option to add to your winter diet.

Anjeer Milk For Winters: Recipe And Health Benefits Of This Healthy Drink
Anjeer is known to be a superfood due to its rich nutrient profile


  • Winter is here and so is the time to change our diet pattern.
  • We look for foods that are healthy and keep us warm during the winters.
  • We bring you anjeer milk recipe.

Winter is here and so is the time to enjoy warm mittens, hot chocolates and more. Besides being pleasant and enjoyable, the cold climate comes with its own set of health issues. Along with cold and flu, constipation and unhealthy eating habits are two other issues many of us experience during the season. The whole-sole reason for the same is the changed diet pattern during winters. Due to the dip in temperature, we tend to decrease physical activities and go on a bingeing spree (especially all things fatty and fried). And of course, inadequate hydration also leads to many such seasonal health issues. This is why health experts recommend taking extra care of what we eat to keep up a healthy living during the winters.

Besides the seasonal fruits and vegetables, one food that experts suggest to indulge in during winters is dry fruits and nuts. Dry fruits are loaded with almost every essential nutrient and can benefit our overall health. Take anjeer (or fig) for instance. This fruit comes from a tree called Figus and has been a part of traditional medical practice since ages. According to health practitioner and nutritionist Shilpa Arora, "Figs are rich in soluble fibre and phytonutrients, along with iron, copper, magnesium and calcium and vitamins." And if eaten in right amount, anjeer helps treat constipation, cough, asthma, diabetes, hypertension et al.

Although there are multiple ways of having figs, anjeer doodh (or anjeer milkshake) can be considered one of the most delicious ones in the lot. Besides, anjeer doodh also makes a warm and super healthy drink for chilly winter nights. Let's find out the benefits of anjeer doodh.

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Health Benefits Of Anjeer Milk:

1. Treats Constipation:

Anjeer is a storehouse of healthy fibres that can help regulate metabolism. Anjeer milk can help treat constipation - a common health problem during the winters.


2. Weight Management:

We go on a bingeing spree during the winters. Laddoo, panjiri, halwa and more - we get multiple delicious options to choose from. This subsequently leads to weight gain. This is when anjeer milk comes to rescue. It not only keeps you full for long, but also prevent weight gain.

3. Keeps You Warm:

Anjeer milk at nights helps you keep warm and have a good night sleep during the winters. This further helps prevent seasonal infections, including cold and flu.


How To Make Anjeer Milk | Anjeer Milk Recipe:

All you need to do is soak dry fig in water overnight, then make a paste with it. Mix it in a glass of warm milk, add a few strands of saffron and serve.

Click here for the step-by-step recipe.


This winter, include this healthy drink in your diet and enjoy a healthy and fit winters.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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