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Switching to Healthy Cooking Oils? 6 Reasons Why Hudson Canola Makes For A Good 'Health' Investment


Regular refined oil is no longer a preferred cooking option for many. More and more people are switching to healthier alternatives like Canola oil.

Switching to Healthy Cooking Oils?  6 Reasons Why Hudson Canola Makes For A Good 'Health' Investment
Canola oil is retrieved from canola seeds


  • Canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils, as per IMA
  • Canola oil is retrieved from pressed canola seeds
  • You can do some intense cooking using this oil

People are not only becoming more aware but also astutely conscious when it comes to a matter of health. As we know, our food choices and our health are intertwined in more ways than one -one cannot afford to take a chance anymore. Now, you think twice before picking anything from the supermarket-you read labels and try endless products before you form your opinion on what suits you the best. Take, for instance, something as simple as cooking oil has drawn so much traction in recent years for its impact on your heart and weight. Refined oil is no longer a preferred cooking option for many. More and more people are switching to healthier alternatives like canola oil. Indian Medical Association also recommends Canola oil to be healthy for everybody cooking.

For the uninitiated, canola oil is a vegetable oil retrieved from crushed canola seeds. Countless experts and nutritionist recommend vegetable oil for daily use. It is replete with good fats such as Mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or Poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Good fats are essential for energy and they also support cell growth. And not just that, they are good for keeping your heart healthy too. Enriched with a variety of essential vitamins and nutrients, canola oil could be one of the healthiest additions to your pantry-the high smoke point also makes it ideal for intense cooking. Hudson Canola oil is one of the brands that you could consider for reasons not just one but plenty: 

Canola oil is one of the most preferred cooking oils

1. Lowest Content of Saturated Fats
In the world of health and nutrition, there are broadly two kinds of fat - good and bad. While unsaturated fats are considered good, saturated fats have failed to impress many nutritionists and experts for their impact on overall health. Hudson Canola has the lowest content of saturated fats (7%) compared to other cooking oils such as corn oil (13 %) and sunflower oil (9%).  

2. Compatible With Indian Cooking
Since Hudson Canola oil has a high smoke point, you can make a gamut of Indian dishes like tadka, curries that involve deep-frying, shallow frying etc.  

3. Low Absorbing Quality
It keeps the food light as it absorbs much less oil as compared to other popular cooking oils.   

4. Heart-Friendly
The high quantity of MUFAs and PUFAs or 'good fats' help make sure that your heart is in good shape. The Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids present in the oil also plays a protective role.  

5. Enriched With Vitamins
Hudson Canola Oil is enriched with vitamins like E, K. It is also fortified with vitamin A and D. While vitamin D is good for bones, Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps stave off the risk of many chronic diseases.  
6. Wide Availability

You can find Hudson Canola oil across India and major e-commerce website.  

There is no need to get overwhelmed by the number of options available in the market provided you know exactly what you are looking for. Happy Cooking!  

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

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