Period Pain: Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Suggests Diet Tips To Ease Menstrual Pain


In a post on Instagram, Rujuta Diwekar addressed the condition that most everyone who menstruates goes through, every month.

Period Pain: Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Suggests Diet Tips To Ease Menstrual Pain
Celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar suggests diet tips to ease period pain


  • Rujuta Diwekar addressed a common health problem recently
  • Period pain may hamper normal life
  • Eat soaked raisins and take calcium supplements, says Diwekar

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar has a glittering list of clients with some of the industry's biggest names included in it. Diwekar has a huge following from across the country and has published books about healthy eating, weight management etc. She recently doled out some diet tips to deal with menstrual pain or period pain. Menstrual pain is characterised by cramps that may be mild or severe in nature. The pains occur due to contractions in the womb muscles resulting in discomfort that may range from mild to extreme. Period pains may typically begin from the first day of the period and may last for a day or two. These may or may not indicate underlying diseases and are usually self-treatable with the help of pain killers and other home remedies.

In a post on Instagram, Rujuta Diwekar addressed this condition that most everyone who menstruates goes through, every month. Period pains may be regulated by following some diet tips, indicated Diwekar in her post that said:

"Five quick tips to ease #periodpain -

1. A week before your periods, start your day with soaked raisins and kesar

2. Include a legume (sprouted and cooked) every other day in your meals


3. Have tuber vegetables like suran, sweet potato, etc., at least twice a week

4. Get regular with exercise. Min 150 mins a week.


5. Take a calcium supplement (calcium citrate) every night before bed." (sic)

Also Read: 7 Effective Home Remedies For Irregular Periods


Painful menstrual cramps are known as dysmenorrhea and although the cramps are typically felt in the lower abdomen and the pelvic region, in some cases menstrual cramps may also affect the lower back, hips, upper thighs and legs. The pains usually last for up to three days but are probably the most severe during the first two days, during a typical five-day period. During this time of the menstrual cycle, it may become difficult to work, exercise or engage in physical activities if the pain gets unbearable.

Also Read: Tried Coconut Flower Yet? Celeb Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Tells Us Why It's An 'Indian Superfood'


The pains may be regulated simply by applying heat pads or by applying hot-water bags on the affected areas and by consuming a healthy and nutritious diet. If the pains continue, it is advisable to contact an experienced gynecologist for further examination and advice.

Do you have a go-to period pain home remedy involving quick fix measures that always works for you? Let us know in the comments section below!


(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)
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