Prostate Cancer Patients May Get Personalised Therapy, Thanks to This Protein

Prostate Cancer Patients May Get Personalised Therapy, Thanks to This Protein
According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men. Latest statistics estimate around 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer in America and nearly 26,730 deaths in 2017. Most cases of prostate cancer are usually diagnosed in older men ageing 60 years or above. The average age of patients with prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis is around 66 years. In the UK, there are around 47,000 new cases of the cancer and nearly 11,000 die from the disease every year.
According to the study, 'Epidemiology of prostate cancer in India', "the worldwide burden of prostate cancer is expected to grow to 1.7 million new cases and 499, 000 new deaths by 2030 simply due to the growth and aging of the global population."

While incidents of new prostate cancer may be on rise, experts stand tall in the face of all challenges to device novel ways to combat the disease. Researchers at the University of Missouri have identified a new way to detect and diagnose prostate cancer better. One of the standard ways to detect the cancer is through the Prostate-Specific Antigen test which may often come out as positive even in benign conditions like inflammation. The research is based on identifying genetic makers that'll facilitate better detection and monitoring disease progression.Gleason score is used by urologists and pathologists to categorise cancer stages. The score can be taken into account to identify and plan further treatment options. The team collected cancer samples from people suffering from prostate cancer at various stages. Experts looked a certain protein which varied in prostate cancer patients and in normal adult men. It was found that testis-specific Y-like protein (TSPYL5) can be a marker to determine the aggressiveness and the intensity of the disease. Gleason score is measured and rated on a scale between 2 to 10. Experts found presence of the protein in patients with score of 7 and absent in patients with a higher score. This could be indicative of a more aggressive course of prostate cancer progression.Inputs from ANI
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