Customer's Long List Of Food Allergies Shocks Restaurant, Reddit Says 'Stay Home'


A customer shared a long list of food allergies with a restaurant. The post got Reddit in splits.

Customer's Long List Of Food Allergies Shocks Restaurant, Reddit Says 'Stay Home'
A Reddit user's long list of food allergies got internet in splits.


  • A customer shared a long list of food allergies with restaurant staff
  • The one page long list consists of many different food items
  • Reddit users asked the customer to stay at home instead

After two years of the pandemic, restaurants and eateries are finally opening up. Customers are dining out with a vengeance and visiting all their favourite outlets across the globe. Due to health concerns, many people have started opting for a vegan or vegetarian diet. Thus, customers share their dietary preferences with chefs so that these restrictions can be kept in mind while preparing the meals. One such list of food preferences - or more specifically, food allergies - has left Reddit in shock. The customer had a one-page long list with all the foods that he or she could not consume. Don't believe us? Take a look and see for yourself:

(Also Read: 8 Wonderful Substitutes for the Most Common Food Allergies)

The list was shared in the sub-Reddit r/KitchenConfidential by user u/puffintoucan123. In a span of a few hours, it has raked in over 4.5k upvotes and 1.2k comments and the numbers are only increasing. "Allergy list from customer," wrote the user in the caption of the photo.

The customer's food allergies list was titled 'Unable To Eat' and had at least 20-25 odd entries below it. The list of foods was divided into categories and listed practically everything possible under each category. Gluten, dairy, red meat, meat substitutes, fruits, condiments and spreads, and sweeteners were some of the foods listed by the customer. Even things like Falafel, Hummus, Tzatziki and Pesto made it to the 'no eat' list.


Reddit users were in splits after seeing the long list of food allergies shared by the customer. "A list of what they can eat would be shorter," said one. Others said that going out was clearly not an option for this customer, and he should just cook his own food and eat at home. "I can't even imagine this hell. No curry, no beer, no apples, no mangoes, no beans, no onion, no red meat, no garlic... those are my favourite foods," commented another.

Take a look at the reactions to the post:


What did you think of the hilarious post by the Reddit user? Tell us in the comments.

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