Food allergies are common; from nut allergies to milk allergy and wheat allergy, they can be really irksome. One of the most common allergies is egg allergy. The much-loved comfort food and hugely popular, egg may actually cause allergic reactions if your immunity system becomes sensitised to proteins in egg whites or yolks. When eggs are consumed, the body sees protein as a foreign invader and sends out chemicals to defend against it. These chemicals are said to cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Some of the symptoms of allergic reaction may include skin reactions and stomach pain among others. What is egg allergy and how to find out if one has an allergy? Fret not; as we tell you all about egg allergy, its symptoms and prevention.
What Is Egg Allergy?
Allergies occur when a person's immune system attacks a substance, in case of an egg, it is protein. The immune system then creates antibodies to attack the food; so the next time you eat the food, the body releases chemicals like histamines to protect the body. Both egg whites and yolks contain proteins that can cause allergies; however, it is said that egg white allergies are more common. Egg allergy may occur as early as infancy; however, most children outgrow their allergies before adolescence.
(Also Read: How Much Protein Is In An Egg White: Unveiling Facts!)

Allergies occur when a person's immune system attacks a substance
Symptoms Of Egg Allergy
Symptoms of egg allergy may vary from person to person and usually occur soon after exposure to the egg. Here are some symptoms you need to look at, if you have an allergic reaction from eating eggs:
- Skin inflammation or rashes
- Digestive issues like nausea, cramps and vomiting
- Runny nose and sneezing
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing
- Stomach pain
- Fast heartbeat
While these symptoms tend to settle down after sometime, but in extreme cases, there is a chance of experiencing a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction, wherein the immune system releases too many chemicals that flood the body, leading to this condition. Medical consultation is required in this case.
(Also Read: 6 Best Egg White Recipes)

There is a chance of experiencing a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction
One of the best ways to avoid such allergies is to not consume egg in any form. Make sure you read food labels carefully, be cautious of what you are eating out, and be aware of foods that may have egg proteins in any of the products like frostings, mayonnaise, puddings, salad dressing, baked goods, etc. Make sure you consult a doctor to confirm the severity of the allergy to ensure better prevention.